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Everything posted by h23a3lude

  1. Good deal! Thanks alot for all the help man. Maybe people wont be scared to listen to them now
  2. Slowed And Boosted Songs This is the finished product of what i've learned from GamingUnited503 (thanks alot). So these songs have been bass enhanced and some of the songs have also been slowed down for longer bass notes!! Just let me know what you think of the songs and how i did! And Maybe Post up a Vid??
  3. Much better. And man, that hits low!! Good job. Good deal, i think im gettin the hang of it then! well looks like i have a bunch more to do!! lol
  4. http://www.mediafire.com/?25mi643civ5bllz Its Taylor Gang again because i noticed he said it was clipped bad so i changed it some. Lmk how it looks if you would.
  5. Well Thanks man.. so do you know how to tell what hertz the songs are at? i'd like to know because my box is tuned in the low 30's I'm still trying to find that one out. I just bass it by ear, I have no clue what hertz any of my songs are at exactly. HAHA alright man. I'm gonna send a new link to ya and if you dont mind see if it has any clipping anymore i "revised" it.
  6. Well Thanks man.. so do you know how to tell what hertz the songs are at? i'd like to know because my box is tuned in the low 30's
  7. Alright.. well how can you tell on Audacity if its clipping? and if you might know, what hz they are I'll show you with pics. This song (my bassed edit of I'm Flexin ([ECCO]2)) is fine. No clipping. If you zoom in to the boxed area: You see that the wave doesn't hit the top. If you're confused, here's an example of seeing clipping: This boxed area has clipping. You can see it from this zoomed in section, but the full view might be tough to see. What I do is see potential areas, and zoom in and make sure that they are fine. If I zoom in to the box area: You can see that the wave hits the top and flattens out. That's how you know it's clipped. Hahah. Nope. That's not really accurate. Haha alright guys hang with me here.. lol but it sounds like not everybody is exactly sure on this whole thing too GamingUnited503 I get what your sayin and i guess i'll have to go back through and check them out. I just started toyin and figured i see what you guys said about them. ANY COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED!
  8. Alright.. well how can you tell on Audacity if its clipping? and if you might know, what hz they are
  9. come on guys! lol one reply out of 77 views?? Let me know how im doin.
  10. Hey I'd love to see someone post a vid bumpin some subs to my songs!!
  11. Hey I'd love to see someone post a vid bumpin some subs to my songs!!
  12. Yeah lol that was the one song that songed a litte funny when i downloaded it, but i figured i'd go ahead and play with it anyway. Thanks for the feedback though! Try some others if you dont mind and see what ya think.
  13. These are some of the songs that i've did so far. I've seen some work done by SLPWGN, Decaf and you guys are great!! Putting these songs up so you guys can give a little feedback if you don't mind! I dont think any of the songs clip but use them at your own risk SORRY I"VE DELETED ALL OF THE SONGS BECUASE THEY SOUNDED LIKE POOP!! LOL But i will make a new thread and post up all the new ones THAT HAVE NO CLIPPING!!
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