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Posts posted by Dante11

  1. Ray.. You could of just specifically told me..

    Dante... its the fuse at the main battery. Check it because it may not look blown but it truly is. Then I would of went, changed the fuse and this would of been fixed days ago :(

    At least I have 4 gauge now *Shrugs* =)


    We fixed the problem! After hours crimping,cutting, pulling.. you name it.. (In the freezing cold) Nothing happened. I was truly pissed because we changed every god damn single thing you can immagine. Until...

    I decided to measure the voltage BEFORE the Fuse. It was 12V and AFTER the fuse it was 6V. I changed the Fuse to a 40amp one. (Current one I had was 60Amp) and voila. Before fuse 12V after fuse 12V. Powered on the deck and BLAM my beautiful amp turns on! YES YES YES Got bumpin again. Thanks for everyones help.. The fuse wasnt blown by the way.. Just dont know why it would -6V like that.

  3. Everyones probably like. OMG they used 8gauge on a 1200W amp? Well. Its what I had.. and it worked for a long time like that. Ill pick up 4 gauge.. .. see what happens. Maybe its my power wire thats not giving juice. I just dont see why it would be that tho! When I touched Positive and a ground that was on the car I got 12V but when I put it back on the amp and touched positive and ground I got 6V (This 12V somtimes happens. Not all). Its not the amp.. remember we tried my amp in my buddies car.

  4. Hey guys, im the owner of this amp 1loudscort00 is talking about. Decided to make an account and exactly explain whats happening.

    1 day, I was driving to a party and my amp just turned off. I took it to my buddys house and he just touched some fuses, moved the amp around and the amp turned on again. So i left his house and once again as I was leaving the amp shuts off.

    Heres the things ive checked for

    -Fuses behind amp all good

    -Fuse on power cable good

    -Ground is properly set.

    -Purchased new car deck ( Didnt fix problem)

    -Checked remote wire. Its fine

    -checked the voltages at my battery. 12V.

    Heres where it gets wierd. I checked the voltages on the power cable and the ground (both on amp) and it would read at 6.6V or somthing like that. When I would move my ground to somthing metalic on my car it would read at 12V (One time it read 8V) I re-made my grounds just to make sure and even connected the ground to somewhere WHERE I KNOW For SURE would work.. Still nothing..

    Im wondering. Why does my power cable read 12V at the start of the battery but 6V when I reach the amp?  THIS IS SO CONFUSING IM CLOSE TO CALLING THE BASS WORLD QUITS.. HELP!!!

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