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Posts posted by bassfreake

  1. I honestly have no idea how it's hooked up like I said it was connected at a shop when I first got into car audio with my first system and since I haven't replaced the stock HU yet I haven't felt any need to rewire the RCA and remote until I do. IIRC I paid for a line out converter though so I hope that's how it's hooked up lol I'd be kinda mad if I paid for a line out converter and then they spliced into my rear speakers.

    not sure a pic of my amp settings will really help much unless there's some kinda marking on the settings I haven't seen yet, the only way I've been able to tell where the settings are so far is by turning the knob all the way either up or down and then all the way the other way to see how far it turns and then estimating where it is from that (or for most of them either leaving it all the way up [LPF], leaving it all the way down,[sSF and phase] or setting it with the DD-1 [gain])

  2. not right now I don't I've designed ported boxes before I might post about it at some point when it's closer to time and get some opinions or I might look into trying my hand at a 4th or a t-line since I got all that space and see how I can do and if I do one of those I will need design help cuz I know very little about them

  3. Yeah band pass is different cuz it utilizes both to get the performance of the woofer.

    Can't just get a sealed only for the lows

    gotcha. I've never heard these subs in a good ported box before I'm looking forward to hearing what they sound like in a good ported box in a big ass cargo van with all the seats pulled out lol

    and he practically gave me full reign of like 1/3 of the back of the van to use for the box lol

  4. Yes that's correct. But that's for a 4th order band pass. That's putting the sub in a different enclosure all together. That's apples to oranges.

    oh ok I just figured that if the sealed part of that was for the lows then the sealed box would be too lol it's all good I'm not keeping this one too much longer they're just to tide me over then when I have the money to I'm pulling them out when I upgrade and giving them to a friend that has a big ass E350 since it's got room for a nice big ported box to stick them in and building him a box for them
  5. No they aren't usually better for the lows. I'd go out to say that a proper designed lower tuned enclosure is better for lows.

    Well to play it safe I'd set your ssf to 30 and lpf to 70

    ok good to know and will do. I just thought that cuz I thought I remembered someone saying that how a 4th order worked was that the sealed portion took care of getting the good lows so therefore you tune the ported section like 50/60+ for the highs... idk
  6. wtf??

    you thought it told you where to run?

    lol yea before I got it I wasn't sure what it was I thought it would like plug into the system and take some readings and figure out where was the best frequency to run your speakers for best performance lol (ik dumb I'm sorry I had never used one or seen it used before I just knew it would be important for doing my system right and figured after that there would be instructions with it that told exactly what it did and how to use it lol)
  7. lol well it's a little cold out and getting kinda late so I'm not gna go mess with it right now but I'll throw it up there tomorrow probably on my lunch break and see how it goes... also I didn't realize it was something where you picked a frequency and that just told you when it was set to that frequency I thought it actually went in and told you the optimal frequency for the subs and stuff... how do you decide what frequency to set it to? right now the subs are just some Audiopipe 15s in a sealed box

  8. Your stock HU may not put OUT the signal your looking for...

    OR your tapped into a signal that is not FULL range.....

    hmm... ok. well I was planning on doing everything again once I switched out my hu of course so I guess it won't hurt anything to wait till then to tune the x over right?
  9. stock radio??

    how are you doing that can i ask?

    and.. what track are you playing as trey asked?

    how am I doing what? I've had subs on my stock radio for years it just hooks up to it with a wire harness and RCAs idk how exactly it's hooked up I just used the RCAs from my first install... I just wanted to tune my amp as best as I could till I can get my aftermarket hu in there next week
  10. Wait your x-over are built in? What does that mean? Non adjustable?

    the amp has a LPF knob on it

    Do you have the lpf all the way up, and subsonic all the way down?

    yep had LPF all the way up and subsonic all the way down to start out and was trying to set the LPF and didn't get any signal
  11. the battery was brand new I just got the thing yesterday I used the battery to use the DD-1 then when I was done with that I stuck it in the CC-1... it turned on... just it said to connect the wires to the amp and then turn the radio volume up till the signal light turned green and it never turned green

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