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Posts posted by nw1234567

  1. @mattc3366

    HaHa might do that. the only reason i'd get it is so i don't blow my subs (repl;acing subs = more expensive then the dd-1)


    I already have the 5500.1d BAMF. I'm looking for alt & batt suggestions. And, I know the subs are shit but the next step up is basically kickers, and for them to be better = twice as much 4 each sub and a more expensive amp. I'm only 17 it's not like i've got the cash to buy $800 plus subs either, so i'm getting what i can.

  2. So, a couple of months ago i got these little 6 in subs that for some reason have tweets attached (lol) out of the back of an old rear projection tv that i helped somebody move to a dumpster. This was back when I first got interested in sound so i thought i'd take em and build boxes for them just for fun/practice. I'll post some screenshots from the sketch up when i find my flash drive but for now i'll post my other pics.

    Heres a little crude diagram of the boxes:


    Here's just some pics of the one i have built:



    I have it wired to a stereo along with this:


    Here's a pic of what i have done on the second one (I'll be adding more updates later):


  3. So I'm starting a system. I just got my 2 Power Acoustik Mofo 154x's and my Power Acoustik 5500.1d BAMF the other day. The funny part is i don't have a car to put them in, but i'll get one eventually. I am going to end up wiring the subs down to 2 ohms (or maybe even one if that's possible (i'm pretty new to this)). I've got several Questions that I want suggestions on. Just to put this out there I am trying to keep this pretty cheap too.

    What I Want to Put in the System:


    5500.1d BAMF

    HO alt (not sure what yet cause I don't have the car)

    2 Batts

    preferably 0awg wire for most of the system

    Boyo Vision AVS702 headunit/deck

    Massive Audio EQ 4P equalizer

    Question 1: Any suggestions for alt brand/amperage and batt brands and types?

    Q2: Should I get a cap? If so what are the benifits? Also what cap should I get if i do get one?

    Q3: Should I drop them to 1 or two ohms with what I am using if I want them to hit as hard as possible?

    I may post more quetions at a later point in time as I run into them. Any general help or help with a specific one of my questions would be greatly appreciated.

  4. I just got a couple 15s and an amp and i knew they were comming on monday so all day in school i was just sitting waiting for the end of the day bell to ring so i could go home and open the 15 that i paid for. (the other 15 and the amp are for christmas and my birthday). First sub ever, so when i finally did get home my day temporarily became great, then i started studying for ap chemistry exam...

  5. http://www.flvto.com/

    Go to link and convert the song from youtube. Then, save it wherever u want. Go into itunes/file/add file to library and find the file.

    Works pretty well. Couldn't find it on any of the dl sites i use though.\

    Oh yeah and if u want to remove the site's album cover from the song go into itunes, right click on the song, go to get info, go to album artwork, click on the site artwork, and hit delete.

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