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Status Updates posted by ChemacoTomazCaldwell

  1. ...start each day the way you wish to live it.

  2. ...seek first to understand, then to be understood. ~CTC~

  3. ...life is always best when you do what matters most to you. ~CTC~

  4. ...life is not always easy, and that is a major reason why it is so precious. ~CTC~

  5. ...today is a beautiful day to be alive.

  6. ...the greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. ~CTC~

  7. ...love life and life will love you back....love people and they will love you back. ~CTC~

  8. ....guess i'll eat a snack and watch Hoarders.

  9. Woke up this morning thanking God for my many blessings........

  10. I love you Madonna...but I love Christina Aguilera more

  11. Why is the heat on so high at church....glad i showered this morning

  12. ...a life of ease is a difficult pursuit. ~CTC~

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