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Posts posted by EpicenterDesigns

  1. I'm getting insider word he is pretty much a Buc now.

    Which pisses me off.

    It was/is pretty much the last straw for me as a Gruden fan. Well, a fan of Gruden the coach. As a people person, gruden failed at that a long time ago. But as a coach, he is damn good.

    Favre comes in here, I say in "here" as I shit Pewter and red so i am a fan of the Bucs, and the offense has to go back several steps. Garcia was acclamated to the offense. He had a grasp of it after last year where he did damn good as it was in what is known as the hardest play book in the league. Pretty sure it opened up as the season went along, but has to be scaled back till the new QB gets it. garcia was new to it last year.

    Now bring in Favre. Scale back the playbook, AGAIN, till he picks it up. Sure, he is familiar with that style offense, but so was Garcia.

    Garcia learned each receivers style, linemens style, and the running backs styles.....so he knows where they will be at each time in each type of senerio. It is always different,

    Now favre has to come in and everyone will be at square 1 for awhile. But the biggest transition of all, the swap that makes the offense even get off the ground will have to be re-learned. The center to QB exchange.

    As you can tell, I am not a fan of Favre to the Bucs. Unless we start out 6 -0 of course.

    Crossing my fingers that the Jets make a better package deal and land him.

  2. Ok boys and girls Aug. 9th is the date.

    Anytime you would like to arrive feel free. We are still figuring out what all we are going to do, but we will keep you posted!!!

    Bring your stock vehicle or your show truck or car, stereo rig. It's not about the car/truck its about the friends and family!!!!

    So get your ass there!!!!

    Let us know in this thread if you plan on coming so we can try and get an idea of the number of people coming.

    Thanks for reading

    Epicenter Designs & Shop 87

  3. but y didnt you just pick up some nite shade spray tint....that is made for the tails and such?

    The VHT stuff is ok for 1 coat. But if you don't get the right coverage the first time, and you try a second coat, it tends to cloud up.

    And then it has a chalky texture to it sometimes.

    I use standard automotive paints and clear coat. A couple layers, some wet sanding and buffing and you have a gloss finish that is durable.

    Sure, it is more expensive, but it is beter IMO.

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