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Posts posted by bobwires

  1. I have a couple of trucks at any given time, and I don't want to cut any of them right now. I want to set up a real SPL system, because I have never done one, and there literally isn't anything over 145 db in my town.

    How loud can I get with a bandpass through the slider window? I can use all of the port area the sliding glass window will allow, and stick an accordion boot on it with some sort of goo that wont harden so I can clean it out. I'll use 1 big alt and 2 big batteries, no more. I'm looking for a 155 maybe. Unless you think I can get more.

    I'm looking for input on number and diameter of subs for that kind of area - 4 15's? I'm a DD dealer, so I'd probably go with 9515's and a pair of M4's.

    I'll start messing with designs at some point and run it by you pros on here to see how to improve it before I go. I'd just like some help up front.

    thanks in advance.

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