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Posts posted by dfoland93

  1. the gains not a volume knob just so ya know...and theres really no need for the whole free airing a sub before you play it..put it in the box play a good clean signal to it and bang away

    Yes i know this, but i have my head unit volume up high and gain half way which is basically a perfect amoutn for bumping ahah... Im not finished with the box , im waiting for the aero port :madsign: ahah

  2. hes not asking if he should brake it in..hes asking HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE TO BRAKE IN...and thats gonna depend on how much you play them honestly OP.. usually bout 6-8 good hours of playtime they start to loosen up a bit..depending on power

    Well im running it on a Hifonics Brutus 1200.1D on a shitty battery at like 11.9 volts. So its not close to putting out the 1,200rms @ 1ohm.... But yeah im free airing for about 2 days right now at around 2 hours each day with gain half tilt.

  3. Alright so i have 2 1223D alpine type-s in a custom box i made. And now i know someone who will trade me a RD audio alpha v.2 15 with flat wind voice coil.

    Im not sure i want to do that though. I dont care that id have to make a new custom box. But i feel like 2 subs is better than 1. I want a daily system that slams when i want it to. Im keeping my Brutus 1200.1D and dont want to get a new amp. What do you guys think i should do? Just want a little insight on this dilema

  4. You don't take the current wiring out when doing the big three. It just adds with the current flow.

    0/1 gauge will not strain your factory alternator at all. Think of it this way, if you have a bucket of water and a small hose, the amount of water coming though the small hose is limited. But, upgrade your hose, and the water runs much more freely.

    Lmfao...you sound like my college professor when he was teaching about voltage, current, and resistance.

    Im in an electronics class and i wish my teacher had awesome analogies like that :shrug:

  5. You don't take the current wiring out when doing the big three. It just adds with the current flow.

    0/1 gauge will not strain your factory alternator at all. Think of it this way, if you have a bucket of water and a small hose, the amount of water coming though the small hose is limited. But, upgrade your hose, and the water runs much more freely.


  6. Can you seal it off with subs up port forward?

    Save yourself the time and do not do subs up....it is the worst...i went that route first and then found out both forward or backward sounded way better,

    Design like a v-shaped box facing forward or backward....

    Apparently you didnt do it in the right car then. Cause it works extremely well in open backed cars, such as SUVs. I did it in my SUV and it hits pretty hard. Its the the best set up for a trunk

    P.S. my sig is my old box

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