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Posts posted by jevmaster5

  1. Well, this is long overdue, but I'll just call it making sure of my opinions. I do want to preface this by saying that if you dont like my build, too bad. Unless you want to provide me with the extra money to finish it up, I'd prefer not to hear it.

    First off, lets cover the vehicle: `02 Mazda Protege5, 272k mi on the clock at posting

    head: Kenwood Excelon X-794

    Front doors: JBL P8662

    Rear doors: Alpine SPR-60c

    Subs: 2x Alpine SWX-1043d in a 2.9'^2 box tuned to 26hz, currently pushed by a Kenwood X-1200m @1ohm

    Monster Cable all-around, minus my chassis ground.

    Pioneer amp (abt 55 watts x2) running to the components

    When money allows, will upgrade alternator, change batteries, cover the box, add another x-1200m, and give the speakers the power they deserve... But that's a ways away...


    I have previously used standard Damplifier in my last car (280z,) and was thrilled with it. This time around, using the Damplifier Pro, took things to a whole new level.

    When even a hint of bass hit, the interior door panels would vibrate like mad, to the point of being audible outside of the car. About that time Second Skin had their Christmas giveaway, which turned out to be just the ticket. I had already used my remaining Damplifier from my Z to back the speakers when I first installed them.


    Thanks to the work already done, I ended up being able to do 3 doors with pack sent. I'll be totally upfront, my work with the first door was rough, but functional. The second door went a little better, and the third doesnt look pretty, but I still had a copy of the picture after my hdd crashed (I'll add it soon.)


    In my defense, some of the exposed spots are so the door panel will go back on correctly, as i had a couple issues on the other doors. To be honest, how it looks is not my worry. What I love is that the Damplifier Pro does a fantastic job killing the vibrations on a frame level. Before, where there were frequencies that caused the various frame bits to resonante, there is silence. The thickness of the Damplifier Pro also creates light preassure on the back of the panels, keeping them from rattling. I really could not be happier.

    I may not have posted on these forums before, and I may not have the best laid-out posts, either. However, I can say that compared to the two layers of fatmat in my brother's vehicle, mine is just as quite on the rattle front and lacks about 60lbs of asphalt. I can also say, I'll be back.


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