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Status Updates posted by Philip95

  1. Got a 1994 celica gt hatchback with polk audio speakers pioneer 12inch subs and headunit and absolute tweeters....whats next? Any ideas?

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    2. Philip95


      i want it to go faster but the car has 244k miles on it so i dont want to dump into performance then if the car breaks down or something i cant use it anymore. Thats why i went to audio so if it does break i can take everything out and put it into my new car. Do you know how to use a crossover to make it to where bass doesnt come out of my speakers and just my subs?

    3. summah boy

      summah boy

      yeah i do turn your bass down redo your gain and/or i can put a crossover for you boy but i reccommend the first thing oh and you should get on more cause im bored as sheyet

    4. summah boy

      summah boy

      oh and another thing p jizzle add more stickers for horsepower each sticker is 100+hp

  2. Who has good heavy bass songs hitting between 50-35 hz i need new music

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