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Posts posted by rogue

  1. all looks pretty decent. Im not real familiar with those particular subs but I think you could stand to increase the port area by a good bit like maybe even double the port area. Although in doing so you will need to change much of the current design and you will most likely need to add bends to the ports to account for the extra length they will require to acheive the same tunning with more port area.

    Im not saying what you have wont be just fine but you may stand to gain some output with a little more port area.

  2. There was a paper copy we all had. But when they got to our names they called us over the phone to tell us what was still available and we had to choose based on what was left. Latter on we found out other jobs somehow just popped up that were never on the list at all. We only figured that out bc the people who were given those jobs were talking about it.

  3. in my opinion if they offer you a job than you can do, and you like it. leave the women the not so demanding ones,

    after all they also need a job.

    and it is sexual discrimination, but I think it is for a good cause!

    fuck that. So youd take less money and work harder because the other job was given to a woman. Everyone is preaching PC and equal opportunity and thats bullshit. You get what you earn. You shouldnt get things given to you because of who you know what color your skin is or your gender etc. You should get it for busting your ass and proving your worth. What his company is doing is defnitely not ok in my book.

    Most of us feel this way about it. Just can't think of a way to do anything about it. We know if we do anything the company is going to figure out a legal way to screw us for causing a glitch in the matrix. To lawyer up is risky considering we could loose the case and owe a pretty penny for legal fees. Even if we won I'm not sure it would do much for us. Maybe get the positions we should have gotten and money toward the legal battle. They should have to do something about it but the more I'm looking into it, the more I think we will basically have to live with it. None of us can afford to hire lawyers and take the risk. It should not be this way. You should not have to spend money to fix a problem that you are the victim of but that seems to be just the way it is.

    I would look for a new/better job and just work through your current one until you find another one. Fighting a corporation is like digging a swimming pool with your bare hands. You could win/finish....but in the end the amount of time and money lost...will it really be worth it?

    100% how I feel. No win possible. I'm actively looking for something new. I dread going to work not because i dont like the job but more because the place just sickens me to be in knowing how they have done people. I just don't even want to be associated with them at this point. But I need a job so I will put up with the bull shit until I can get out I guess.

  4. in my opinion if they offer you a job than you can do, and you like it. leave the women the not so demanding ones,

    after all they also need a job.

    and it is sexual discrimination, but I think it is for a good cause!

    fuck that. So youd take less money and work harder because the other job was given to a woman. Everyone is preaching PC and equal opportunity and thats bullshit. You get what you earn. You shouldnt get things given to you because of who you know what color your skin is or your gender etc. You should get it for busting your ass and proving your worth. What his company is doing is defnitely not ok in my book.

    Most of us feel this way about it. Just can't think of a way to do anything about it. We know if we do anything the company is going to figure out a legal way to screw us for causing a glitch in the matrix. To lawyer up is risky considering we could loose the case and owe a pretty penny for legal fees. Even if we won I'm not sure it would do much for us. Maybe get the positions we should have gotten and money toward the legal battle. They should have to do something about it but the more I'm looking into it, the more I think we will basically have to live with it. None of us can afford to hire lawyers and take the risk. It should not be this way. You should not have to spend money to fix a problem that you are the victim of but that seems to be just the way it is.

  5. Not a damn thing you can do, unless you have hard evidence that your employer is doing this and will admit it on camera (while they know they are being recorded. Otherwise it will be illegal evidence), or some sort of signed statement. Or they will just admit it in court.

    Chances are they wont, maybe in a perfect world but this world is far from perfect..

    So unless you have thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars to blow on paying lawyers to sue the company tell them to fuck off and knock your boss, human resources, managers, owners out cold on the floor and move on.

    This is basically the thoughts we are having ...

  6. Lol Well really at this point the only pro i can see that i have a job and i get paid (it will be less when the transition is 100%), Everything else about this company kind of sucks at the moment.

    I didnt mention that I also took a computer test given by my company for 5 job listings that were based on skills/qualifications. I placed higher than anyone else that took the test. Only about 8-9 people tried out for these particular jobs (all women except for me). The 5 positions would have all been for office type jobs with different schedules. In addition to that 3 of us had a college degree. I have only an associates in Business, another had bachelors in childhood education or something, and the last had something related to business as well. On top of all of that my Manager who is a woman personally recommended me for one of those jobs (she has nothing to do with the hiring, firing or any of that). I also have been with the company longer than any of them although in those jobs it was not a factor. Obviously I cant prove anything here but it is hard to believe 5 people were chosen over me if they were going at all by skills/qualifications. The reality i have come to believe is that they knew they needed to find jobs for everyone and also knew I could do whatever where these women were not able to. My friends and I just really started to piece it all together after they started giving out the jobs based on seniority.

    Really feels like we can do nothing and even if we did file some sort of discrimination complaint we would have to deal with the backlash from it from then on.

  7. its not just the jobs themselves that we are aggervated about it is also the schedules they gave them as well. Many of us were forced to take 2nd and 3rd shift jobs because they made out like that was what was left and then we find out later that people lower on the list than us wound up getting first shift schedules and better/ easier jobs on top of that. I personally dont have kids but some of the other guys do and they feel like they will be missing out on a lot to take a new shift such as second or third. I just dont think what they are doing is right and I am less affected by it than others. I certainly dont blame the women and I have no desire to see them have to take jobs they will eventually get fired at or quit but, we expected to get to pick based on the companies policy and it just didnt happen.

  8. had good results with subs up port back on the two door civic around 01 model i believe, also building the box wide and deep to get your desired volume keeps it from being excessively tall which would be good in a trunk car being that the seats folded down is only so big of an opening to the cabin. You dont want to block it off, Unless of course you are sealing it off totally to fire forward.

    oh and subwoofer on meter side of car can be good for a few tenths.

  9. Basically the story goes the company I work for is downsizing my current dept. Everyone displaced was told they would not be out of a job but be relocated to various other departments. We were told there would be a list of Jobs to "sign" when the event was to take place. We were also told it would go strickly by seniority (aka years served at the company) and what was availible when it got to you would be your options to take it or leave it.

    Well the time came for us to sign our jobs and we did. Come to find out later that people (women) were given jobs that we (men) were not told about when it was our turn to sign. We all know the reason is because many of the Men can do almost any of the jobs and that they sort of made postions for the women to accomdate them. We started to figure this all out since we all make converstaion about what job we had taken and started to realize that people with lower seniority some how got better positions than us, they were all women. This has negatively affected at least 5 or more of us in the department. None of us really know if we should do anything or not since we could likely loose our jobs all together which seems to be the case for people that cause problems for the company.

    Basically in a nut shell we have been discriminated against because we can handle the tougher jobs and they know that the women will not last in the tougher positions. Im not coming down on women but most the jobs at my workplace are just too demanding for most women.

    Any advice appreciated.

  10. no wonder you got the responses that you did. The original question was " How many layers of glass would you use to reinforce 3/4 inch mdf to make it strong enough to eliminate any flex or vibration?" now we see that your using a round barrel.

    asking how many layers to use to reinforce 3/4 mdf which is flat is not even relevant to what you are doing. Everyone suggested alternatives that would have been appropriate based on the question you asked.

  11. I use Rage Gold or Rage extreme usually, it sands very well. If you mix it right(hot but not too hot) it comes out nicely. I just actually picked up a gallon of Evercoat and it wasn't that bad surprisingly. I expected it to be crap, but was surprised. At 15 bucks a gallon I was VERY surprised to say the least.

    Umm, rage is evercoat.

    I think you were meaning the lightwieght filler they have which is about that price and I would agree it is pretty damn good for the money.

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