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Posts posted by maademperor

  1. problem with the bridge/ICS setup would be that you have to keep the comp with dual nics on for the second machine to get a connection, it is also a point of failure that would be a good deal more trouble to troubleshoot than just a router...

    good luck with a usb router, never looked for one but I've never seen one either (usb wireless recievers, but not the router itself)

  2. I think its the dual voice coil ohmage and amp numbers that get people a little confused..."I want 2x 12inch dvc subs but do I want the dual 2 or 4 ohm? if I get an amp that can do 1000 at 1 ohm how come it only does 400 at 4 ohms and how do I even know its wired correctly? will I break it?" add to that the notion of geting a 2 channel or single channel amp for 2 subs and whatnot and folks get a little confused. you can do your research but its still best to bounce your questions off people who definitely know in my experience.

    I promise no one is asking just to annoy you :P

  3. hate to say it but I feel where she is coming from...if all it takes is for you to get drunk then she would have to always wonder if you had cheated on her if you ever had a drink without her around...all you did was kiss but what if the chick had tried to throw you more? some head maybe would have easily gotten past your defenses and from there its just a short trip northward for her to be riding it too :D

  4. salisbury, md? bout 2hours from me and I went to college with some people from there...sleepy little country are of MD I'm told. If you can get his local PD to open a case they shouldnt have any problems moving on it since they dont have a whole lot else to do probably. good luck, mang, its stories like this that make me apprehensive about buying stuff from forums...

  5. verizon and comcast (to a lesser extent) have been testing metered internet for some time, its gonna suck but it had to happen eventually. Unfortunately the consumer will not seen any benefits of it that I can see...so what if 5% of customers account for 50% of the UTILIZED bandwidth, there is still plenty of throughput available and you have to look at the customer base to see what demographics you are really dealing with...when I was younger in college we were on the net all the time playing games, researching and shopping (ah the good old days of ebay :D) but my dad was just on there to send two emails a day...it wasnt me over using it or him under using it, it was just both of us using it for what its worth to us (not to mention some households have 5 people online and others like my dad only have the one). Incidentally, I read some crazy stat that said 5% of americans pay 95% of all federal taxes collected?

    unfortunately again, this will give further cause to look at what data is being moved and to what purpose thus technically invading my privacy (although they already do that). 1$ a gigabyte isnt much of a cost but that could quickly add up and the price will surely be 5$ a gig within 3 years of implementation. not to mention a gigabyte aint much these days. Thats like one game demo...and with video game consoles joining the mix of online components this could get pricey. A buddy of mine got one of comcast's "stop pirating stuff" emails cause he was uploading home movies to his web server in excess of a couple of gigs. they thought he was uploading pirated movies and kept spiking his connection everytime he tried.

    as for what we worry about in this country, tell me about it. I see people's homes getting foreclosed on but they refused to sell thier $500+ a month bmw and insisted on running up credit card debt to get those 3 plasmas whatnot...meanwhile we are occupying a foriegn country for the last 5 years for not good reason...

  6. lol, I remember my first flight...I was sitting there thinking "so we are gonna go real fast and then jump up into the air and go faster and fly? never gonna work, we are gonna crash and die...oh well, I guess I'll give it a try anyway". Then the plane took off and felt like the tail was gonna fall off and we were going to do a flip and crash but when we didnt I was so impressed with the engineering and physics that has to go into this stuff that I was comfortable (I like to pretend I'm a scientist, lol).

  7. I cant say anything that hasnt already been said (I'd have gotten beat repeatedly for even grabbing the keys when I was little, and to this day have never driven ANYONE's car without permission, even when the folks were out of town and I was old enough to drive....

    I agree with lsn2meboom though, if it wasnt video games it was the subject matter on tv and the piss poor child rearing...mostly the rearing and honestly tv and music can have a HUGE impact on a young mind.

    I feel for granny, she probably got stuck with the kid too late to get any sense into him and he may well just be on his way to a life full of poor choices...hell, he probably out weighs her now. that is if she didnt do a bad job raising the mother/father and helping to spawn this creature. most kids I see these days are way out of line and its a sad trait that is only going to continue.

    I did lmao off when I saw the two weeks later thing...only a fat kid will fight his own grandmother for some chicken...wonder what he would do for a klondike bar? murder the whole zip code maybe? lets get a petition together to give him a post birth abortion

  8. Dude is this PS3 only? If so I gotta scrap the 360 and get a PS3 because i've been waiting on this game since E3

    Edit: its a ps3 exclusive, supposivly it was hard to fit it on a blue ray disk :blink:, which either means tons of sick ass gameplay or tons of 20 minute cut scenes

    the latter from what others are saying...tons of cut scenes + uncompressed format on the disc to increase load speeds is what pushed it up to 1 full BD disc....lotsa sick gameplay too though. even still, MS made a mistake refusing to support either hd or bd discs for game media...

    also not ditching my 360 for this one lone game...not unless some poor schmo offers a direct trade of course :ph34r:

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