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Posts posted by iwannabeloud

  1. Fuck people are stuuuuuupid. 250 degree fever, that seems about right because my hand is as accurate as a thermometer....fuck me.

    checking your kids temperature with your hand is like setting your gains by ear

    yup very accurate

    What if I use a 40hz -5db tone to properly set my gains and then play material that's recorded higher then -5db and has other frequencies , are my gain still accurate?



  2. what motor is that?

    Sundown X v.2

    Sneak peek... the X series v.2 motor prototype. I expect these to be release in the 2nd quarter of 2015. The RMS will be bumped to 1500-watts, motor force climbs substantially, and there are internal improvements to significantly reduce Inductive distortion.

    Magnet slug size will increase from 190mm x 66mm to a full 220mm x 75mm making the magnets themselves equal in size to the Z v.4 slugs -- this is responsible for the significant increase in motor force.

    Top plate & back plate thickness remain the same.

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