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Posts posted by ThirtyHz

  1. I have no experience with alternators or batts, so please, nobody hold what i say against me... But through reading so much about electrical and the equipment needed for different amounts of wattages... I would say you need two of those alts, battery wise, I have no clue... It just seems to me that every 3-4 kW, you need 1 ~270 amp alt. this is just what i have gathered over time reading hundreds of threads. i am really sorry if that is incorrect

  2. Alright, I have never done a review for the most part, so excuse me if this isn't to the standards of other people's.

    For the back story... About a week or two back I got my (single) Sundown E-12 D4 in the mail. Well packed and only a nick in the side of the box, sub was in perfect condition. My first impression of it was, wow, it has more ass than I thought. Just as PWK said, the pictures online really don't convey the real beefyness of this sub. This is pretty much my first real sub haha, I came from a 2011 model Fosgate P2 12". I ran that in mannny different enclosures, but mainly a 1.2 cube sealed box on 500 watts from an RF Prime R500-1. When I got the sub, I had already built the enclosure for it. I have it in a 2.339 cube box tuned to 32 Hz via 4" aero port (right around 11" long). The box was sitting in my bedroom until I built the false floor for my trunk. For all who own a 2000 Civic sedan, you know how flimsy the original floor is. Now it's 1/2" MDF. For an amp, I purchased a BRZ1200. I'm running the E-12 at 2 ohms, and after tuning, I feel as if I am close to around 650-700 watts when I crank it. After playing it for ~40 minutes at that power the dust cap was just warm. Remember this is a 400 watt RMS sub. I read Skip01's review of the E-15 multiple times in anticipation of my purchase of this sub, let me say, I agree with him.

    On to the real review... I just want to say wow. This being my first Sundown product, I am EXTREMELY impressed. Not only does it get very loud, but it sounds incredible doing so. Maybe I am just hearing what I want, but it sounds so flat in my configuration, its great. The low low bass, mid, and high bass all sound about the same volume, that in its self blows me away. This thing hits so damn hard too. People always told me with my Rockford setup that it hits hard and is super clean sounding, and I agreed. Assuming that was because of the sealed enclosure.... now, I doubt that thought because it hits harder more accurately in this ported box. I can feel the bass in my whole body, mouth, feet... everywhere when I have it way up. I just can't get enough of this thing. Makes me wonder how amazing the rest of the Sundown line is. Also, it eats all the Decaf I throw at it, on some of the lowest of the low notes, with the driver door open, my back windshield flexes a good couple mm. I don't know if this effect will ever wear off, but whenever I know there is a really deep note in a song (28-35 Hz) I expect there to be some roll off and the note to be quieter... Not with this bad boy, flat all the way down. I can't say anything but positive comments about this sub. I recommend it to anybody in the market looking for a sub that has a great combo of SQ, and loudness on a budget. This is by far the best $110 I have ever spent! Thank you so much Jacob for such a fantastic product, I am thoroughly pleased. And if anybody is wondering, I purchased through SundownOnly.com. Now if I could only afford a Sundown amp and the electrical to back it up haha.

    And if anybody cares, on my ear-o-meter, I'll give it a ~137-138db. And maybe a 140-142db burp. Never TL'd, and don't plan on it.

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