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la negra

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Posts posted by la negra

  1. i just got into using fragrance oils or called body oils. they smell just like a cologne but to me they smell better,last longer and even better cheap.i bought one at a flea market for $5, its a small roll on bottle. i use it for my self and in my truck. roll a little bit on the carpet and turn on the air to the feet now u got a great smelling car. so my how many people use them and where do u buy them? i tired a website called wholesalebodyoils.com

  2. my first Credti card was through my bank. it was the easiest to get.

    I use my credit card fairly frequently. it has a rewards program so all my big purchases go on it. I dont use it unless I can just pay it off after the balance hits. Right now Im trying to boost my credit score so ive been making slower payments. Ive been stuck on a 730 for almost a year.

    Sorry thread jack

    Shit a 730 is dam good for todays market. Do u wana sell me a few points hehe

  3. i started with 5ft of flat iron cut it down to the size i want. next to it is 3/4 thread rod that was used hold down the box but it also beefs up the box as well


    with help from a welding teacher we added another piece of flat iron and connected the brackets,then he welded everything together.


    also thanks to the Maintenance guy at my job he drilled the holes for the bracket and made me a special piece for the front of the box.i used 8 nuts and 6 washers total with alots of silicon dont want any air leaks. heres the finished product.only thing to do left is add connectors to the wire going to the box.



    i know it wont stop a thief but it will sure slow him down and my insurance has to cover me now that its bolted down.

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