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Posts posted by xJohn23

  1. Alright guys, thanks for all your replies! I like that you are all helping me out because im a newbie and I really appreciate it.

    So, if i were to go with that bundle http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_33472_1600W-Kenwood-Subwoofers-and-Amplifier-Bass-Bundle.html?from=857

    Its only 400w RMS total, and the amp is 4 ohms: 60 watts x 2 chan. 2 ohms: 75 watts x 2 chan. Bridged, 4 ohms: 150 watts x 1 chan.

    That doesn't sound real good? How would it be if i got this http://www.amazon.com/Pair-Kenwood-Kfc-w3013ps-Performance-Subwoofer/dp/B0052QKQJM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1329791397&sr=8-1 and http://www.amazon.com/Kenwood-Kac-9105D-1800-Watt-Class-Amplifier/dp/B0037ZRP7G/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1329791414&sr=1-2 for the amp? How would it work.

  2. Yeah I know. And this is for home use! I'm using a power supply to power the amp. Its nothing serious its just for bumpin at home. I'm planning on getting a 1000 watt amp to power the subs. But for under $120, because just as I said its nothing huge or amazing, just something for home until I get a car.

    Anyone suggest a 800-1000 watt amp for under $120.

  3. Hey everyone! I'm new to the SMD forum, and im new to car audio. I wanted all your advice, i hope this is in the right section. I am buying my first system very soon, and I was planning on getting the Kenwood W3013PS 12 inc subs, 2 of them. Is Kenwood a good company, considering these subs are $60 for 2 on amazon. Im not going crazy need subs and amp for $200. Im buying a box too, but ita not in the budget. So what amp are u guys recommending. It would help a lot! Thanks


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