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Status Updates posted by Jessica

  1. 500 miles of driving today, im done. Now to drink.

  2. WTF, ydluwenk sent me a video on youtube about islam. Ain't nobody got time for that!

  3. reading some of these threads and i almost choked on my sammich. is that shit metric or what?

  4. just watch someone beat Castlevania Symphony of the Night in 11 minutes 28 seconds. lol

  5. windshield seal is leaking at the top of the windshield when i turn up the bass. letting water in


  6. you know its a boring day at work when you write a video poker machine using a spreadsheet and vbscript.

  7. so last weekend was a bust and i got no testing done. but i have the next two days off so maybe this time? Also, any suggestions to try? doing 1 10" sub.

  8. can we get "go to last viewed post" back, or am i usin the forums wrong?

  9. just wires up some 110 while it was hot. didnt even get shocked once.

  10. Alt tensioner was a success with some tweaking. I may have a slight parasitic draw though. Batteries are sitting at 12.2. But car was siting for like 2 months.

  11. i might still be drunk from last night, time to go to work.

  12. Changed my mind on the Pro audios, going with two sets of Fosgate t1675's. 100 rms each and silk tweets. $375. Can't wait. Thanks Sonic

  13. think i am going to run two internally regulated alts and see what happens.

  14. I have no declue who that guy was

  15. Did some work on the ride today, then it started snowing. Updated my build log. Feels good to finally make some progress!

  16. I googled "amp rack car" and about 5 pages down is the first amp rack i did in this car like 2 years ago. LOL, it's sooo bad.

  17. Alternator back on, only get belt slip if i full tilt idle and let it get down around 1000 rpm. Cant help that cause i only have so much belt wrap.

  18. Need to hook up my passenger window switch and see which side i move more air on.

  19. a radio staion was playing some pipe organ music since its sunday. Bible thumpers are all about them lows.

  20. Any twitch veiwers should go check out Runnerguy2489. Doing a blind run of Ocarina of time right now. Actually blindfolded.

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