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Posts posted by ruchockey27

  1. thanks for the help, mine did come with instructions and i followed it exactly. except for the orange wire on the power pack. See I got my power pack off some idiot on craigslist that decided to snip the connector off one side of the power pack. I had to order the connector and solder all the wires from the power pack to the connector so thats why I hooked up some of the wires from the power pack to the TR-7. Im gonna try it the way you suggested and hook the TR-7 to all the wires on the other end. hopefully that fixes it. Its just a shame that theres not another way because its gonna take awhile to resolder :( lol... If anyone has any other ideas on how I can fix my setup please chime in!!

    edit: I forgot to mention that I dont have any yellow/black wires to run to the tr-7. I think this might be because the guy who sold me the unit cut it off and forgot to give it to me. so all I have is the power pack connections and another wire harness that I ordered (which didnt come with a black/yellow wire. (I think I might have to order another wire harness :( )

  2. I'm not sure if this is in the right section or not, but if its not I'm sorry...

    Okay so I have an Alpine IXA-W404 Head Unit that I got off of craigslist and installed awhile ago. Not realizing I needed to attach 2 wires to the foot brake and hand brake leads to get full functionality of the menu and options I installed it anyway. After recently doing some research I bought a PAC TR-7 to bypass the Alpine video procedure so I dont need to wire to my foot brake and hand brake leads. Well I also have an alpine power pack that I wanted to install at the same time so I dont have to take apart my dash multiple times. I tried to install it already but i'm having problems getting the PAC TR-7 to work, but the power pack is working properly. I think the problem might be that the power pack doesnt have a yellow/black wire (for the foot brake lead), but it does have a yellow/blue wire (for the hand brake lead). Since it doesnt have a yellow/black wire im not sure what to connect to the PAC. Where the yellow/black wire is supposed to be, there is an orange wire so I tried wiring that to the pack but it didnt work. Here is how I have it wired:

    Headunit-->TR7's green wire tapped into alpine blue wire on power pack, TR7's red tapped into alpine red on power pack, TR7's black wire tapped into alpine black on power pack, the TR7's blue wire to alpine power pack orange, and the TR7's white to the alpine power pack yellow/blue.-->And then the Alpine to Mazda wiring harness is going from the back of the power pack into my car.

    Like I said the power pack is working great, it's just the PAC that I cant get to work. I bought it new so it's already programmed and the programming switched is turned to the off position.

    Please help me I have been stuck on this project for a few days and my dash is still torn apart.

    I'm new to these forums so I appreciate any help!!



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