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Posts posted by NoFearX18

  1. Hell yea man...

    2 days off school and then a 2hr delay today...

    snow is good...snow is good...

    wish i had a camera with me sunday night... i was busting like 30-35mph slides around this corner where the road is wider than a 4 late highway haha. it was fun.... the not so fun part was sliding around the next corner at about 25 on a sheet of ice to find an 18 wheeler tried to pull out of this parking lot and its trailer slid it into a ditch blocking the entire road ahead of me...

    snow is good...snow is good


  2. I wasnt expecting my lil 2wd truck to be so fun in the snow... it is... haha I was out in the snow "storm" last nite at 12pm because i got off work... roads were so nasty but i was bustin out so serious slides on the roads.

    Today i was takin it wasy trying to stay away from the curbs which i couldnt see but yea... took it easy because it was more ice than snow this morning and because if i wreck my truck right now im fucked...

    Had the BTL knockin too ofcoarse. haha

    Dough Dough attempt infront of my house (had to clear the snow a bit so i could gather enough speed to get up the drive way hahaha)

    Doughnuts inside view.

    Powerslide :D (can you tell what song is playing?)

  3. i was on a track yesterday for like 3 hours straight...fuckin ramps and embankments and flat long trails....FUCKIN AMAZING!!!

    also i got a pug looked just like that when he wa a puppy...his name is Chub Chubq (yes the q is there its just scilent)

    wow...i choked on my Mtn DEW (Still trying to figure out wtf the tried doing with the new label) when you said that.

    thats almost as great as the jaunito... i cant do the mix of phlem and shit sounding thingy on the computer tho.

    you need to throw a pic of him up!

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