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Mike Whitenton

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Posts posted by Mike Whitenton

  1. Demo'd the F most of the day AND got a noise complaint from some apartments a few blocks away LOL. The DJ couldn't even get a complaint but i got one when i played that Yelawolf shit. Trunk Muuuzik...lol

    Yelawolf - Trunk Muuuzik would do it. Those rapid fire kicks really work on the kidneys. lol

    One that reminds me of Trunk Muuuzik for the intense kicks is Slayer - Raining Blood. It nearly made me tapout on my own ride. lol It took me some time to get used to it. In the ISF it would be amazingly intense!

    Another good pound yourself to death song is Nine Inch Nails - Closer. Not rapid fire just canon shot after canon shot. Enjoy. :slayer:

  2. I have a line driver in my system that can output a 9Volt "line level" signal. If I blindly set my line driven output as maximum undistorted signal, I'd have the same problem this man had. My amps cannot handle that high of a line input signal. So to set my preamp output levels I have to turn the amp gains down and measure for distortion through the amp. With the head unit at max clean output and min on the preamp I adjust it's output until I get clipping and back it off until clean. Now that I have the maximum clean input to the amps I can do the normal amp gain procedure. The line driver adds an extra step.

  3. wat a sore loser.

    nahhh just being picky. I knew what i wanted. I got it. No big deal, lets not turn something fun into any sort of bickering. :)

    Agreed. People are far too quick to read only negative intent into comments sometimes. The only reason I responded to the criticism was because It wasn't meant that way at all and I didn't want people thinking I was being an ass.

  4. Steve, just pointing this out in case you hadn't noticed. Coolwasabi was actually the first with the "specific" wording from the manual.

    Really ?????..........


    Yes, but it is Steve's call. The word "its" was missing from all the posts prior to the one I mentioned. It doesn't matter to me, I wouldn't have won either way. Only Steve could know how specific he wanted the answer. It's over and done. No big deal. It was cool he did this.

  5. Looks better than factory Steve! Amazing work.

    You have me scratching my head how you held the plexi in place. I ended up using Zinc plated, Phillips head, Modified Truss, Lath Screws. Gives an interesting look. But no screws looks sick as hell!

    Are you using Acrylic or Polycarbonate? I haven't been to Sacramento yet to go supply/parts shopping. Where do you get such great plexi? None worth buying in Yuba City area. Too thin.

    Thanks Steve.

  6. Steve, which tires did you have on it when you did the doughnuts visible from space? Is this your 2nd or 3rd set of tires?

    Proper suspension geometry FTW!

    I know quite a bit about racing suspension geometry. My suspension designs set a few track records. Including South & North West Tour. Even set the track record at Daytona. Bobby Allison was having serious chassis problems early in the season 1987. His chassis guy purchased my software to setup the chassis. They were desperate and had heard of the amazing results people were getting in South West Tour. They set the car up as instructed and took the car to the next race, never touched the suspension. It was like a some kind of brand new super car. Several races later he went to Daytona and set the track record. He won the Firecracker 400 BTW.

    Unfortunately I didn't have access to a wind tunnel or he would have gone a whole lot faster. Aero at that point became the weakest link by far. The car was going so much faster that it was pushed into unknown territory with regard to aero stability and dynamic chassis loading. The increased speed lead to unfamiliar tire loading which caused a tire failure and his infamous crash a few races later at Talladega. Watch Car 22.

  7. DSC00392.jpg


    "Candy Stripe" the wires, I love it! Makes me wanna lick it and that's just wrong. lol

    I did recently see the most bad ass wiring trick I'd ever seen. Say you have 4 different wires. Twist them first clockwise 2 at a time and then the 2 pairs counter clockwise the same amount of turns. The wires untwist but are magically all braided together! Looks like it took forever to do. If anyone hasn't seen this done or the result, do yourself a favor and try it. Friggin awesome trick!

  8. Just curious Steve but how did you plan on finishing the trim panels? If you already said it I missed it :( I was assuming you'd just be wrapping them in vinyl like in the Tahoe? For some reason I feel like doing a black flocked "soft-touch" finish would look amazing in there. It'd look almost like a suede finish and would have a similar feel to it if you've never encountered it before. Just something that came to mind looking at it almost finished with the LED's going in there.

    Picture of a black flocked dashboard.

    Damn dude! What'd that come out of The Bat Mobile?

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