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Ridin Solo

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Posts posted by Ridin Solo

  1. I'm running (2) 18" Aq HD3's powered by (2) Cresendo 2250's .. My current class is Super Street no wall and would like to stay in that class...Only way i can make box work and stay in the peramiters for my class is to Drastically round the top of my box .. I've posted pictures below so you kinda get the idea of what i wanna build .. already have everything designed and used torres calc to figure port size...My question is will the round tops of the box cause any problems? It's kinda like 2 base tubes connected with a common port...But don't know if the round top will cause air to swirl around in the box? Any Help would be greatly appreciated...boxfront2.jpgboxfront.jpg

  2. Calculating the volume was fairly easy....I designed the box on paint.net first (which allowed me to draw it to scale and gave me the total square inches).. Comes out to 968 square inches for the face of the box times 29 inches deep (internally) for a total of 16.245 ft3 before port... According to Torres calc port should be 18.5 inches by 10 inches and 18 inches long tunes at 34 HZ..Which gives me a net volume of 12.58 ft3 and 185 in2 of port area... just not sure how subs will react in a partially rounded box...

  3. I have a related question... I'm running (2) 18" Aq HD3's powered by (2) Cresendo 2250's .. My current class is Super Street no wall and would like to stay in that class...Only way i can make box work and stay in the peramiters for my class is to Drastically round the top of my box .. I guess the best way to describe it is a letter B with the humps up..LoL .. already have everything designed and used torres calc to figure port size.. Will be porting out the front in the center between the humps , subs will also be on front on either side of port...My question is will the round tops of the box cause any problems? It's kinda like 2 base tubes connected with a common port...But don't know if the round top will cause air to swirl around in the box?

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