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Low n Loud

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Posts posted by Low n Loud

  1. omg that finger is CRAZY! ugh...i knew a guy who tried to jump and grab a ledge and his hand slipped, but his wedding ring didnt. went straight into his finger. he had to get his wedding ring cut off and some stitches. but not that bad. i cant stop looking at the bone part lol

    that picture is almost as sick as

  2. Low N Loud....I've gotta say, the vids are awesome. But I have to say it, If you learn one thing from Meade..let it be this. Refer back to the chocolate milk video for reference.

    Destruction is good...but never leave home without the Duct Tape..to fix the destruction :lol:

    Keep up the good work...Mang

    thank you bro. i been driving around for 4 days with duct dape on my car. it loooks pretty ghetto if you ask me, but its been raining so i dont want water in my car. i have 2 more vids that will be up soon.

  3. UPDATE: after some showing off at the local circuit city, my trunk handle and spare tire rod are now broken. the trunk still closes and locks but i cant open it. i need to stick a wire hanger through the hole in the trunk to pull up on the threaded rod that releases the lock. as for my spare tire rod / bolt; that too has cracked in half and my spare now just rests on the floor.

    umm yea......pics will be up soon....

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