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Low n Loud

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Posts posted by Low n Loud

  1. yo i went on sunday, the last day, and it was awesome. all of the vendors on the top floor in the auto accesories section were basically giving away all of their products. waxes, chamois cloths, stickers etc. so they dont go back home with a trunk full of stuff. i went home with at least $150 in stuff that i paid only $40 bucks for. anyways, the cars were awesome. got soaked walking back to penn station tho

  2. i dunno how anyone else feels about this but i would love to see in is own separate section, a thread on all of our head to head, this vs. that comparisons so that when we are looking to buy we can just go to this thread and see if what we are comparing is on there. Personally, i enjoy listening to what actual people have to say about two similar products thay have heard and used rather than that marketing bullshit companies use to promote their products.

    like i siad this is just food for thought and would like to know if anyone is with me on this one. not to mention lately there have been a ton of posts on head to head amps, subs, speakers and Headunits alike, and it seems to be quite a concern.

    thanks, chris

  3. i dunno. i think in the back of my mind i want to, but i really want to see how this hifonics sounds. i only hear good things about them, the price was right, and it seemed like a good investment. plus it gets birthed at 3300rms, which should really get my BTL going. i was making comparisons b/t the 2 and they were very similar. both had pros and cons, but in the end it all came down to how much longer do i really want to wait? it already took me 24 days to get the BTL, and to get the 30001bd they said they wont get a shipment for a few more weeks. WEEKS! i have patience, but not that much

  4. i have the sub and box already built and in my car playing off my RF1500bd. it pounds so god damn hard its unbelievable. as far as the amp goes, rite now i have the hifonics xx-thor being delivered to my house in 5 days. this was my backup amp in case i could not get the 3000bd. it was sold out by time i saved up the money, and would not be coming in for weeks and weeks. i said f*** that, and went ahead and ordered the hifonics. so now i should start breaking my rear window. lol :D

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