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Posts posted by j_black10

  1. i got some 1/0 welding cable...a couple different colors, ones kinda purplish (dont ask..lol) and the other is yellow. i used it in my ride with no probs. i got plenty to sell to you if u want it...let me know!

    Thanks man, but I got some already. Mods you can lock or delete this post. Thanks!!!

  2. I bought 2 1/0 gauge fuse holders and 2 300 amp fuses from him and got them today. I though they would be used but they were brand spanking new!!!! Thanks man!!!!!

    Edit: I just noticed he put an extra 300 amp fuse in!!! Thanks Again Man!!!!

  3. The most important thing is to NEVER fight in front of the kid. NO MATTER WHAT. Next, never go to bed angry.


    Man the 24th of this month will be my 1 yr anni. Me and my wife has had some heated arguments but we always look back a realize that most of them are over nonsense!!! Like King said never go to bed angry, talk it out. And if she don't feel like talking, tell her you love her and talk about it later. The key is communication!!

    Hope everything works out!!!

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