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Posts posted by j_black10

  1. thanks alot j black. i want this box to sound awesome....and that would be a definite 36 hertz? just wondering.... how long have you used box calculators and found out how to do that? I have tried for a long time (about a year) and i cant figure how to work those damn things out at all.

    Man Ive been building boxes for years now, most of them without any box calculators, just trial and error. Here recently Ive been using WinISD and I love it. Just put the sub specs in and from there plug and play.

    WinISD says that the Vent Mach should be below 0.16 and the ports I came up with are at 0.05 so you should be fine.

    Oh yeah, Vent Mach is the rating determining the breathe-ability of a port or ports. Cause if you go with too few or too narrow ports, the box will whistle like Bing Crosby at Christmas time! The reason for this is that there is too much air trying to travel down too thin a pipe (like a flute).

    Changing the number or and/or the diameter of the ports of the box also changes the mach rating of those ports. You should keep the mach rating below 0.16 in order to avoid whistling.

  2. How do you like that brutus?

    It's been Great!!! I don't have anything negative to say about it. It's just not enough power for the Qs. I know people say that Hifonics is overated but this bx1500d pushes these Qs pretty damn good, so I think it actually puts out the 1500 wrms it says it does. That's why I'm considering getting the BXi2006D.

    I do know this, a RF amp puts out a better quality sound than a Hifonics amp does. I've never owned a kicker amp but my homeboy did, a sx1250 on 2 compvr 18s, and that shit sounded awesome!!!

  3. Actually, the Kicker's fuse rating is 100amps (200 total) and the T20001bd is 250amps. I just got a 200amp alternator and I've also done the big 3, which helped ALOT. Now my voltage stays around 14.4v and doesn't drop below 13.9v when I really get to cranking it. But that's with the Brutus though. I'm going to add another redtop and that should be enough for either setup, the 2 zx1000.1s or the T20001bd. Now I just gotta make my mind up. Is there any more suggestions?

  4. no you cant do that because you will pull too much through your remote wire and fry it in the head unit itself.

    My brother just had this exact thing happen. One of his amps kept going into protect mode and we didn't no why. Come to find out it was because the amp wasn't getting enough volts from the remote wire due to having them dasiy chained.

  5. I've thought about the T1500-1bd also. The birthsheets I've seen average around 1750rms though, none over 1800rms. Plus for $70 more I can have more power with the 2 zx1000.1s. I've seriously though about running the 2 kicker zx1000.1, but they are 2ohm stable and my subs series are 1.4ohm each. I'm wondering if they can run at 1.4 ohms.

  6. Right now I'm running my FI Q18s dual 1ohm off a Hifonics Brutus BX1500D. They pump pretty good but you can tell they need more power. I'm trying to decide what amp or amps is best for them and also the best deal!! Here's the ones I've looked at:

    Hifonics BXi-2006D - $370

    2 Refurb Kicker zx1000.1 - $570

    Refurb RF T20001BD - $600

    The Hifonics is pretty tempting because it's the cheapest and if my bx1500 is pushing them pretty good now, the bxi-2006 should be just right. Need your info and suggestions guys!!!!!

    Also, which is better on the electrical system, running one big amp or 2 smaller amps?

  7. i'll be the first person, in my town, to own a Fi sub. and i'll get to show some of the bastards here what a real system is ;)

    That's the same reason I got my Qs! Around here is Fosgate country!! I've heard both T1s and T2s and they both are AWESOME subs. My brother is running 4 T1s and MAN, that shit hits hard!!! But you should have seen the ppls faces around here when they heard my Q18s!! They were amazed!! Add when I told them the price I payed, their mouth dropped!! LOL!!! Now the question is , Where can I get 'em?!!!! I must say you can't go wrong with RF or FI, but I chose FI and don't regret it one bit!!!

  8. swishahouse, choppin em up 8 and 9

    I agree!! Also,

    3-6 - Most Known Unknown

    Project Pat - Mista Don't Play

    Playa Fly - Movin' On

    Justin Timberlake - Futuresex/Lovesounds (This CD PUMPS with my Epicenter!!!)

    TI - Urban Legend

    La Chat - Dramatize

    And ALOT more!!

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