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Posts posted by n1ghtsn1p3r

  1. Finally got the straight pull bolt for the SV98 last night. I don't think I have to unscope just to change another round.

    Also for fun, I tried the SKS with ironsights. Couldn't hit a guy climbing out of the water on the ladder, and his teammate shot me in the back.

    I like bolt action sniper rifles. It makes it feel like more skill is needed for follow up shots instead of just spraying, like people do with the semi-auto snipers. I guess that bias also comes from Counter Strike as well.

  2. I'm enjoying being shot in the face from across teh map with an iron-sighted SMG. /sarcasm

    Seriously, that one map with the train tracks (the one with the train tracks high up), it's happened numerous times.

    I am getting better with the sniper rifles though. I'm torn between the SV98 and teh SKS. I do love the fact that you can pretty much tweak loadouts on the fly, until a medic comes along and revives you lol.

    I "stalked" Audio and Meade again. I had to ragequit one match due to getting raped by tanks and helicopters every time I would spawn. Also suiciding by C4 when trying to take out tanks lol

  3. I got about 8 hours in last night and this morning lol. My eyes were burning.

    That was fun.

    I almost went ahead and made an SMD platoon, but decided not to.

    Edit: Installing TS anyway, even though I don't have a mic (actually I do, but I don't use it). I forgot that TS had a player limit unless you pay for it. We used to use it for the Counter Strike: Source clan I was in. I think we ended up switching to Ventrillo for a while

  4. I just joined their match. They were in different squads though.

    Battlelog updates FTL. I guess that's what we get for playing at 4AM in the morning :P

    Also some of the spawns are irritating as hell. I thought the ones on CoD was annoying, but I've had numerous ones were as soon as I spawn in, I die. It just spawns me like 5 feet from an enemy who is staring at me.

  5. Just got done playing with Meade and Audiofanaticz

    AF and I kept running into each other :P.

    Conquest isn't so bad now that I understand it a bit more. I guess I was just nervous the first time I tried it, being unfamiliar with the maps and gameplay.

    I don't think I did too bad actually. I did kill myself with the C4 once while trying to blow up a tank, but my second attempt against a tank with C4 was successful. And yes, I was playing the objective

    Skill level -6.45

    Kills 9

    Deaths 14

    K/D Ratio 0.643

    Kill Assists 0

    Vehicles Destroyed 2

    Vehicle Destroyed Assists -

    Accuracy 12%


    Award Score 400

    Squad Score 10

    Team Score 10

    Objective Score 400

    General Score 2635

    Unlock Score -

    Assault Score -

    Engineer Score -

    Support Score 2935

    Recon Score -

    Vehicle Score 160

    Bonus Score 40

    Combat Score 3095

    Total Score 3495

  6. Yeah. it's a lot of space.

    I tried multiplayer and jumped into the server Meade was on, but left after 2 deaths because I didn't understand the gamemode. Spawning right as an enemy helicopter reached F flag (or whatever it was) didn't help either :P

    I'm not used to gigantic maps like that anyway, mostly because of Counter-Strike and some CoD.

  7. Steve! You suck at building computers. You did everything wrong, jeezus why didnt you take the screens out of the bezels and fiberglass them together you noob!

    Just kidding man, i was reading the comments and was rofling so hard.

    For real though, that rig is sick as hell. I can only imagine what it must be like sitting in front of 3 40" screens like that. Nice work man.

    its fun the only thing that sucks is going back home to my 27's haha.....but ya, its real fun. I am about to head over there now and torture test it some more. I wanna give it to him but i have no way to drop it off. My F150 is at Ford getting looked at. Rear window leaked all over the seat in the last rain. GRRRRRRRRRRR.....I have a van but im not driving that thing 2 hours up the hill with barely AM radio playing LOL :D I think he gets it on Monday.

    Won't fit in the 'Hoe, or do you not want to use it? :P

    I want to do a multi monitor setup so bad now. 1 24" monitor isn't enough lol. I actually used to use my old 19" CRT as a second monitor, plus I used it for Netflix so I could still see the screen while laying on the floor and using an Xbox 360 controller as a remote (LCD viewing angles suck, at least on my T240HD, plus my battery pack is no good on my controller so I have to keep it attached to the play-n-charge cord)

  8. the guy has a rolls. I dont think hes going to be impressed iwth it not understanding the nuances of it.

    it doesnt matter how much money you have when it comes to your toys you will always be impressed and excited.

    only over the "special" things like the things i build for him....but you would be surprised over the shit he don't give 2 shits about. Some stuff i would saw off my right arm and slap my great grandmother with it to get, he could care less about. Other stuff, like this, he is excited. At least for a day or 2 :D

    I guess that's what tons of money does to you :P
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