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Daniel Guy

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Posts posted by Daniel Guy

  1. Check this guy out too. Lower power handling but I'm sure it's good for 400 rms.


    I've always wanted to try one out just for the hell of it, but could never find the motive to take the initiative of pulling the trigger. Always have substitutions lol

    Bought a 12 for a HT setup. Impressive output and with an FS of 22hz seems like it'd be a sweet 4th order woofer.

    Side question-

    I'm beginning to have issues with my battery (it's just a normal one.. not a yellowtop or anything fancy). I haven't dont the big-3 upgrade..or any upgrade, for that matter.

    What should I do?

    Get a yellowtop? Big-3 upgrade?

    I'm not a fan of yellow tops. Really overhyped battery. What problems are you having? Just batt getting old?

    Rough crank, lights dimming, etc. The normal for an over-used battery. Which, in fact, is brand new..

    I have a '96 Sable. Not going to be driving for a while. Living in dorms really cuts back greatly on driving, which helps. So, for now, I'd have to decline on the 1/0. Just *for now* though

  2. Rockford P3 - 10" .....Meh

    Sundown SA-10" (or two 8") Have not tried the 10" or 8" but I'm sure they're just as amazing as 12's and 15's. You won't be dissappointed.

    Alpine Type-x - 10" Unless you have $$ to throw away. I honest would run the R's over the X's. The R's sound just as good and hits harder.

    -The only reason I say Alpine, is because I can get them 40% cheaper through my uncle. That, and I love alpine.... ha.

  3. Hello everyone-

    I'm fairly new to here, so.. go easy on me.

    I'm looking at downgrading my system. (Or upgrading from a sony xplod..)

    I currently have a 12" Sony Xplod, which sucks horribly. It was free, so I can't complain, and my amp is a Hifonics HFI1500.1d -mono.

    I'm looking at a few different subs, mostly 8's and 10's.

    Right now, I'm comparing a few different ones.

    Rockford P3 - 10"

    Sundown SA-10" (or two 8")

    Alpine Type-x - 10"

    What is everyones thoughts on these listed three, for a beginner audiophile, on a limited budget?

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