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max headroom

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Posts posted by max headroom

  1. I am getting so tired of this shit. I can go to any forum, lots of channels on YT, even my own.......FB and other sites, and see people talking shit. I see people all the time talking about how "i asked a simple question and steve blocked me, he is an asshole" and other things like that. Totally making themself look innocent. Then i pull up the log of what they said to me and its usually a Vial, HATE FILLED, asshole, dickhead or just plain rude ass comment. I might be guilty of responding back in kind, i can't help it depending on what is said. Then when i do that, i am an even bigger asshole so now the guys who talked major shit FIRST, hate me. Now they post on YT, FB or wherever else, that I was an asshole and they are just so innocent. Now all their friends, and anyone else reading it, hates me too.

    Its fucking bullshit.

    I give the last dollar in my pocket to anyone who needs it.

    I give the shirt off my back to someone who is cold.

    I feed people that are hungry.

    i give 20's to bum's and don't talk about it online because its just what i do. (until now).

    i am OK with people who don't like my ride, just don't be a fucking dick about it.

    I give away my used, but EXPENSIVE amps to people just because (and have yet to get a thank you)

    I buy amps from the store, make video's of them, and give them away (and didn't get a thank you)

    I give 10's of thousands of dollars worth of stuff on SOTM away every year.

    I share my massive audience with others who deserve the limelight.

    I know for a fact i am a cool motherfucker...i laugh and have a GREAT time with anyone who is cool to me.

    NOBODY is innocent. If i blocked you, you were a dick. No doubt about it.

    Nothing bothered me more then that motherfucker JP going to his FB page and telling some asshole (that came crying to him about me) that "steve does all his fans like that"....when i read that, it was over for that guy.

    this happens over and over again....i get no break from the shit talkers. One and ONLY one person i know of has ever met me and went home talking shit. Its that loser who owns that shop in Salinas. He came to my house for 4th of July, drank my Patron, laughed his ass off with all of us, and shook my hand on the way out. Then went home and instantly started talking shit online.

    i get a bad rap but i NEVER EVER have done someone wrong, who didn't do me wrong first.

    why am i ranting? because i am getting majorly tired of this crap. There is more but my hands hurt.

    you bro i deal with the same issuse with people . you can say they have a false sense of entitlement . I had this one guy talking a bunch of nonsense nothing crossing the line (they know better) but not trying to be rude , i tunred the 4 15s up on his ass , his reaction was wow ,let me step back. I just figure i wanna have fun ,haters dont exsits in my world lol. I tell you should make a vid of a actor hater of use a dummy to vent and tell him put yo head in my sub box port . write by haters on the chest and slamm that bass in they face. hit em with the (spam bustas bitch) in yo dave chappelle voice lol.

  2. so yeah im dealing with the same problem . ive been talking to josh to see about getting something on the order of a bracket or such to get my mechman alt on my 2000 passat gls 1.8t . they have a billet 320 alt but the say it wont fit my model of vw. well that what josh said. i purchased it for a 98 jeep grand cherokee laredo and its for sale . jeep/dodge/chrysler. I was told it fits th 5.9s, the jeeps with the same engine code as the 98 jeep grand cherokee laredo, and the neon srt4 turbo. im all ears for suggestions

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