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Zac Cue

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Status Replies posted by Zac Cue

  1. Could anyone give me a list on what all i would need to bagg my truck? lay frame or pretty damn close?

    1. Zac Cue

      Zac Cue

      i know several people that got there truck on the frame for about 2500$. im trying to stay around 2grand but could go up to 3. My grandparents are getting it for me for a graduation gift.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Could anyone give me a list on what all i would need to bagg my truck? lay frame or pretty damn close?

  3. everytime i change the station, a new song or lower the volume down to zero the subs hit. does anyone know what could be up?

    1. Zac Cue

      Zac Cue

      a shitty 1000watt sony pushing 2 12" Qpowers. everytime i change song or something the subs hit out then in really hard then goes back to normal.

      but i took everything out today. putting in a new box and re wiring the amp and subs. going to see if thats the problem.

      i think my gain was to high?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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