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Posts posted by truthsayer

  1. (tyma) Why are you obsessed with the black community and the lack of focus on black on black killing. I ten to just read on this site and try to learn but some of your posts are really annoying to read. What makes you think that black people and their communities don't care about black on black crime? This is a completely false statement/idea. There are idiots in the community like the idiots that loot in these situations that do the killing. They are afraid to take out their anger on anyone but there own because they can get away with it. I "think" the reason why is cause the police don't care as much. If these actions are taken in a rich; better; white; upper class, etc. neighborhood then action will be taken swiftly. There are some really big differences in rich vs poor neighborhoods. I see these differences daily. Your feelings on this don't matter. There is one truth and you don't know it. If you are trying to get black people to think, then you need to take a different route. If you are trying to appeal to people who think similarly then I suppose that you can keep doing what you are doing.

    BTW I haven't kept up with this due to being disgusted by a lot of it but I hope the looting stops, the idiots looting are locked up. the family of Brown get some closure and that the town can rebuild and put this behind them in the next few years.

    (Truth) I am not obsessed with the black, being concerned about any community killing one another off, should be of a concern to all americans. And your are having selective reading disorder, i never said the black community didn't care, rather that not enough seem to care. Being a child of the 60's and 70's, i can tell you things seem to be getting worse not better. And to say," They are afraid to take out their anger on anyone but there own because they can get away with it", That's absurd. You say you see it, well i lived threw all the crap, things where going on pretty well till around the mid late 80's and the crap started to flare up again. It starts in the home, how you are raised, with peace or hated, wanting or whining of being held down, or pulling yourself out of an environment and making it on your own merits.
    There will always be rich, poor, and the middle class, that's just how society works and has been since civilization evolved. The issue is, you have to decide where you will fit in, will you work for it, or make excuses and try to take it.
    Your claims about the police are ludicrous, Police go where the crime is. No matter what color you are, you put yourself (usually) into the situations that make you deal with the police. And your attitude (usually) determines how they deal with you. And people can't have it both ways, either there harassing people to much or there not involved. I'm just sick of all the whining and excuses, you make your own path in life and to where it will take you.
    Now i don't know how you can say, what i have said is not true. I have tried to explain it simple and rationally. If you can't handle the truth, then read on, or comment with more excuses. Either way doesn't matter to me.
  2. Woods- what i said was only repeating what two educated black leaders said. But you seem to have a problem, if someone either than black says it. And i said church , because you said your church community participates, well it started in the church didn't it. And i think think that's great what your community is doing. My point was, and still is, these protest's, riots, what ever you wish to call them, you dont see them happening like we see in ferguson, unless it's one of these police shootings, or if someone other than black shoots and kills a black man. Why are there not these huge out raged protesting's happening when it's black on black crime ? And sorry if you dont think the media would be reporting a protest if it where against black on black crime. Because they would. And if you think i'm a racist for speaking the truth so it be it. I like and dislike all people the same. I will say what i want, my ancestral people have been here for thousands of years. We are sick of people making excuses because the color of their skin, We never invited anyone hear, but have learned to live with everyone in peace. So what i will end with is, if any group of people dont like hear, please feel free to leave.

    Ahmed- You are such a joke, i'm not sure where to begin, like i said before those who throw out that race card as you keep doing, are usually the racist them self's. You have said far more harsh things on this topic than i have, but you think it's ok because of your ethnicity, which i dont care what your race is, A douche is a douche. You act like i have an issue with black people, "NO", I have an issue with those always whining and using race as a excuse. Just as some of my friends who whine about their alcohol abuse issues, i dont want to hear there excuses, because that's all it is, a lame excuse. And Sorry to disappoint you, i was not picked on as a child. You think i'm such an old man, i dealt with young punks like you in the corps, and threw out my life, and when it comes down to it, they all seem to run like little children. Hopefully we can bump into each other at one these audio comps, just look for the so called Indian (sometimes confused for a mexican) biker looking guy ( wont be hard to miss) wearing a t-shirt saying, i'm here. Remember i'm old, so you have nothing to worry about.

    You seem to still have that prison chip on your shoulder,they must have really had there way with you, but if your weren't such a scumbag in the first place you. wouldn't have landed there. Sounds like your really missing your bunkmate. But with the type of person you seem to be, i'm sure you'll get the chance for a new bunkie.

    To everyone else hear. i have no issue with you, but this ahmed seems to always have something to say to me.

  3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/08/18/new-video-purports-to-show-the-moments-after-michael-browns-death/

    Fractured orbital socket seems like something that would need immediate doctor attention.

    and I didn't say no other news stations don't lie. They all do. I don't trust anything I see on the news besides sports scores

    Fox News loves to lie. From editing Obama's speech to make it seem like he was choosing sides in the Ferguson mishaps, to saying democrats wanted to impeach Obama. Buncha bullshit

    I posted the following in another section, and it seemed fitting to include here.

    In 2013 there were 100 black men killed in various situations by law enforcement.

    There were 5,000 black on black murders, but does the black community want to discuss that, or protest over their young men," no ". Because it doesn't fit the race baiting scenario, that those who make living from, or the nut bag activist.

    Before anyone jumps down my throat and want's to dispute my claims. These figures were discussed in the last few days, by both Jason Riley, And Doc. Ben Carson.

    ACTUALLY... There ARE LEADERS who FIGHT to END black on black violence! Just because you don't see it on the news doesn't mean its not happening...! And my church participates in the community FAITHFULLY to fight against this violence along with helping other people who are in need. And besides that, there are PLENTY of different organizations doing the samething! Don't be so ignorant

    OrionStang said it best.. Its all an agenda!

    And no I'm not refering to that OPPORTUNIST Al Sharpton when I make these claims!!!

    Focus- I will say one thing on fox news behalf, name any other cable syndicated news agency, that allows both sides to prevent their views. A lot of people hate fox because they are one of the view who are not afraid to get your face and ask serious questions. And your starting to sound like a liberal left wing activist with selective hearing, you only here what you want to hear. It is fox who exposes these stories and lies long before anyone else. They are the ones who expose others for the editing, I'm not going to argue with you, because you sound like some of those protestors. No matter what facts come out, or the use of rationality, your only going to hear things, one sided. And if you watch Obama's speeches live, their is no need to edit his useless chatter, unless your a dem, never paints a good pic for the left.

    Woods- you call me ignorant yest you did not disprove my statement. Happy for you that it may be discussed in church, or what not.

    As far as leaders go, i gave you probably the two most intelligent and reasonable men there is . (Jason Riley and Doc. Ben Carson) But the majority of the black community doesnt want to listen to them, only to call them uncle tom's and race traitors. Because they don't advocate all the violence and excuses.

    Like i said there is no large out cry and drawn on long lengthy protest's. Say what you will, you dont see the outrage from the black community over black on black crime,

    So take your one sided views and nonsense elsewhere, That is the main problem today, people are scared to come out speak the truth about what is really going, because it will be deemed not politically correct. And believe me if there was a huge outcry and protest about the black on black crime, the media would love to jump on it, hell it would be the story of the century.

  4. I posted the following in another section, and it seemed fitting to include here.

    In 2013 there were 100 black men killed in various situations by law enforcement.

    There were 5,000 black on black murders, but does the black community want to discuss that, or protest over their young men," no ". Because it doesn't fit the race baiting scenario, that those who make living from, or the nut bag activist.

    Before anyone jumps down my throat and want's to dispute my claims. These figures were discussed in the last few days, by both Jason Riley, And Doc. Ben Carson.

    • Like (+1 Rep) 1
  5. Lol, you say that all the time. Even in this thread before I started commenting. You start quoting me first every time. It's ok, when I get you mad I know I've done my job.

    I apologize to all ahead of time, for i know i said i would not respond to ahmed anymore. But i just had to on this. LOL

    Ahmed, Your level of education becomes you. One can not quote you, before you have made comment. And replying to a comment is not quoting someone.

    Sorry all, peace out. :roflmao:

  6. Can you both stop? You've both made comments that could be 'perceived' as racist. Hell, we all have. We all stereotype, but its up to each one of us to realize when we are doing that, and step back.

    Now I'd like more info on the events, since I haven't been following the news too much. Was the cops weapon discharged in a struggle inside his cruiser? Was the cop actulally hit?

    Orion- First off, i have never jumped in the middle when you are having an argue-mental conversation with some one. And you are more than welcome to show me where i may have said something that could be considered racist. Because that has never been my contention or implication. I have never in my life been called a racist except for now, by Ahmed. He seems to have a personal issue with me, wanting to jump in on my comments and try to misconstrue them. Yet some others have made some comments far more harsh than mine, but he will jump on their bandwagon. The dude is nuttier than squirrel crap. :rolleyes: Now everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when you start throwing stones, one can not expect them to be thrown back.

    What started out as a discussion between the two of us turned into him basically calling me a liar about my history and then a racist. And these are things i nor i'm sure you would appreciate. And i will not sit idlely by without a response when it comes to my character and beliefs. I was raised where the color of one's skin does not define you as a person. Rather, the actions of one's life, will define who you are. One thing i appreciated about the military, was there were no different colors or races, only shades. You were green, some dark green, and some light green, but we were all green.

    Now sensai- and i agreed and disagreed on a few things but where able to have a civilized discussion, without calling the either one out.

    Now i will end it on that, and will not respond to ahmed any further.

  7. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ahmed- no matter what your ethnicity, you still can be racist. And we are a close group nit of five vets, who have shared lots of the same experiences in life. Once you become older and mature, you dont have the time nor the need to hang out with large groups of people. These friends are all i need, I know they will have my back, and i will always have their back. And it appears by your comments you seem to have racial hatred not me.

    Your a follower and not a leader, you jump on the bandwagon to some who have said way more harsh responses than i have. You inclination to constantly want to argue with me, shows the type of person you are.

    And by the way, it's not the quantity of black friends you have, it's the quality.

    • Like (+1 Rep) 1
  8. I don't think it's harder living the righteous life. Actually it's easier. I don't worry about being robbed jumped or shot. I get GUARANTEED money every 15th and 30th, my kids are hella suburban and don't know shit about missing meals. Yep, living right is way easier bro.

    Well we may disagree their slightly, in my opinion, it's much harder working that 9-5 job for a small paycheck,insurance, house payments, utilities and worrying about various other bills, feeding and clothing the kids and such. Plus have to protect and worry about someone taking your shit. Not that easy when you think about it. Majority of hard working americans make just enough to get buy on.

    You should know if your a parent, trying to make your kids understand the right way of living. When they see thugs and criminals not working, selling drugs and such, with a boat load of cash. new cars, gold dripping of there chains etc.

    I hear you, but I grew up poor and now I got a little something none of that shit is a worry for me. As far as my kids, there is basically nothing illegal they can get past me and they are actually really good so, like I said I don't worry about those things.

    I hear ya, we grew up poor, dirt poor in an all black neighborhood till i was 15, and moved to an average diverse neighborhood. My father was shot while a liquor store was being robbed, a group of people ran out and two where shot, mistaken by a black rookie officer. My father was shot in the back of the neck, severing his jugular vein artery. Then falling on a old style short picketed fence, which pierced his chest. But they said he died from the gunshot wound. And the officer was not prosecuted, they called it an accidental shooting.

    No am i angry and bitter about this, hell yea. But that does not give me the right to hate blacks or police officers. There is good and bad in all walks of life. And just because we may be poor and bitter, is no justification, to go out and take from others or commit crimes.

    It is our past and our common sense which shapes our lives. And though i may have had it ruff as a youth, it is those things that helped me to strive forward so my children would not have to grow up in these situations.

    And yes i know bad things happen in all neighborhoods, but they are less likely to happen in a responseable neighborhood. Now my youngest daughter is still very angry and in therapy from her fiance was killed 2 yrs ago, by a gang banger shooting up the neighborhood, just because he and his group of friends where not allowed into a new years party. But even she knows, you can not judge a group, by an individuals action.

    Well, I'm gonna be honest and maybe I'm wrong but I don't think you like black people. I'm not here to defend any race since at the end of the day I am more spanish than anything. But I'm sure the people in your neighborhood wouldn't allow you to hangout on the corner. Where I'm from, that's where the party is. If you did grow up in a bad black neighborhood you should be able to tell the difference between a wanna be thug and a real killer. Real killers aren't posting on social media. Whether or not your telling the truth about your past, it seems like you have an answer to everything and there's nothing for you to learn from another human.

    Well it's obvious you have selective reading disorder, and just like SOME of the protester, you only hear what you want to hear, and enjoy nothing but conflict.

    Now as far as saying i dont like black people, well 1 of my grandkids is biracial. And 2 of the 5 of my best freinds are black, and would most likely knock your teeth out for making that comment. Your comment couldn't be more absurd. And as far as my heritage, yes i'm sure i have some european in my ancestry down the line. But i am native american, thank you very much. I like and dislike all races the same. And for you to make the comment that i dont like black people, only shows your true racial bias way of thinking.

    Now as far as hanging out on the corner partying as you say, no i'm to old and mature for that. We get together at houses or garage parties. The corner is where the immature kids hang out, not the adults. So you can continue to party on the corner with the kids if you like, and i will party at the homes of friends.

    As for your comparison of a killer and thug. I hate to tell you, most of the time you wouldn't know who is a killer, or who has that killer instinct.

    Now for my past, i couldnt give a rats ass if you believe me or not. I have no reason, nor does it benefit me in any way to lie.My past is my past, and has made me who i am today.

    Now as far as having an answer for everything goes. It's called age, experience, and common sense. And if i live to be a 100, there will still be many questions that i will have as far as life and people.

    It seems to me, you still have a chip on your shoulder, since you constantly want to argue. I tried to have a civilizes conversation with you, but that wasn't good enough.

    Remeber those who usually are quick to throw out the racist card ( which you did with your black comment) are usually the ones who are truely the racist themselves.

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  9. lol you silly Americans and your 9-5. I gots me a 7-5.

    i dont mean to sound like i dont care, but how is this thread still going on? okay, it happened. Yes its over. so where does that leave us? America is still America, lemons are still sour and subwoofers still bass. I dont mean to offend anyone, but... damn....

    Because it's not over, there are protest's and riots every night. And all the evidence is yet to come out.

    Now don't you feel silly for commenting when you have no idea what's going on.

  10. I don't think it's harder living the righteous life. Actually it's easier. I don't worry about being robbed jumped or shot. I get GUARANTEED money every 15th and 30th, my kids are hella suburban and don't know shit about missing meals. Yep, living right is way easier bro.

    Well we may disagree their slightly, in my opinion, it's much harder working that 9-5 job for a small paycheck,insurance, house payments, utilities and worrying about various other bills, feeding and clothing the kids and such. Plus have to protect and worry about someone taking your shit. Not that easy when you think about it. Majority of hard working americans make just enough to get buy on.

    You should know if your a parent, trying to make your kids understand the right way of living. When they see thugs and criminals not working, selling drugs and such, with a boat load of cash. new cars, gold dripping of there chains etc.

    I hear you, but I grew up poor and now I got a little something none of that shit is a worry for me. As far as my kids, there is basically nothing illegal they can get past me and they are actually really good so, like I said I don't worry about those things.

    I hear ya, we grew up poor, dirt poor in an all black neighborhood till i was 15, and moved to an average diverse neighborhood. My father was shot while a liquor store was being robbed, a group of people ran out and two where shot, mistaken by a black rookie officer. My father was shot in the back of the neck, severing his jugular vein artery. Then falling on a old style short picketed fence, which pierced his chest. But they said he died from the gunshot wound. And the officer was not prosecuted, they called it an accidental shooting.

    No am i angry and bitter about this, hell yea. But that does not give me the right to hate blacks or police officers. There is good and bad in all walks of life. And just because we may be poor and bitter, is no justification, to go out and take from others or commit crimes.

    It is our past and our common sense which shapes our lives. And though i may have had it ruff as a youth, it is those things that helped me to strive forward so my children would not have to grow up in these situations.

    And yes i know bad things happen in all neighborhoods, but they are less likely to happen in a responseable neighborhood. Now my youngest daughter is still very angry and in therapy from her fiance was killed 2 yrs ago, by a gang banger shooting up the neighborhood, just because he and his group of friends where not allowed into a new years party. But even she knows, you can not judge a group, by an individuals action.

  11. I don't think it's harder living the righteous life. Actually it's easier. I don't worry about being robbed jumped or shot. I get GUARANTEED money every 15th and 30th, my kids are hella suburban and don't know shit about missing meals. Yep, living right is way easier bro.

    Well we may disagree their slightly, in my opinion, it's much harder working that 9-5 job for a small paycheck,insurance, house payments, utilities and worrying about various other bills, feeding and clothing the kids and such. Plus have to protect and worry about someone taking your shit. Not that easy when you think about it. Majority of hard working americans make just enough to get buy on.

    You should know if your a parent, trying to make your kids understand the right way of living. When they see thugs and criminals not working, selling drugs and such, with a boat load of cash. new cars, gold dripping of there chains etc.

  12. Now on another note, where is the outrage and prosecution for the black panthers, chanting the want officer wilson dead. And their is a bounty on his head.

    And now that the video just came out about 15 min ago. A black witness at the scene, recording the dead body and all the people upset. He himself said. Brown attacked the officer in his car, then ran came back and attacked him on the street.

    They played the video on fox news and i;m sure many others will be playing it. ( the video is not of the crime, but the crime seen and the man explaining what happend)

  13. I got a criminal record, and both of my brother's have criminal records. Now, my youngest brother only has posts of weed and beer bottles, no guns or gang signs. My brother who just came home from prison back in June only has pics of him in suits and ties and shit. My facebook only has my kids. I wouldn't go judging someone's social media page for their true character.

    Well good for you, and i bet your mother's proud. And those who usually have a criminal background, usually view the world differently than law abiding citizens.

    Now do i hold someone's background against them, NO. As long as you have served your time, paid your restitution's and learned from your mistakes. Then i am willing to say timed served. But if you think that, your background doesn't effect one's opinion of you, you are sadly mistaken.

    Now i know you will be upset with my comment, but that's just how life works.

    Oh, my mother is proud by the way. Im 608 certified and my wife is a teacher. How's your mother?

    It seems like it's going to be judged on this boy's character more than on what really happened. Truth be told this doesn't affect me since I already know that cops are going to get away with whatever they want, no matter what color the cop is or the victim. We're on one level and law enforcement is above that. It's just this version with the race being what it is makes for better headlines.

    I was just trying to tell you how life works for most of america. Well i'm glad your mother is proud, i'm sure with the your history that you told, i would think she is just happy your alive. But with what you have stated, if you think you did'nt cause your mother grief and anguish over things that landed you and your brother's in prison, your sadly mistaken.

    Now as far as my back ground and certifications, im sure fellow military vet's will understand when i say, to lengthy, and some what be none of your business. Now when i did retire from the marine corps, i did go and get my aviation mechanical engineering degree, Through Lear Jet and registered through the FAA.

    And yes, i would hope my mother is proud of me just like your mother. She better be, seeing she moved in with me not long after her retirement in 2012. But children should take care of their parents when needed, after all they raised us, didn't they.

    And by god i'm proud of my kids and grandkids, who have chosen to live a life without having to be involved the criminal justice system. It's a lot harder trying to live life, going the straight and narrow path, than it is to take the path of criminality.

  14. I got a criminal record, and both of my brother's have criminal records. Now, my youngest brother only has posts of weed and beer bottles, no guns or gang signs. My brother who just came home from prison back in June only has pics of him in suits and ties and shit. My facebook only has my kids. I wouldn't go judging someone's social media page for their true character.

    Well good for you, and i bet your mother's proud. And those who usually have a criminal background, usually view the world differently than law abiding citizens.

    Now do i hold someone's background against them, NO. As long as you have served your time, paid your restitution's and learned from your mistakes. Then i am willing to say timed served. But if you think that, your background doesn't effect one's opinion of you, you are sadly mistaken.

    Now i know you will be upset with my comment, but that's just how life works.

  15. Sensai- ( criminal record) I was going off what his mother said regarding his juvenile record, that he was a juvenile and that somehow justified it, going off that, the video, facebook page quotes, photo's. It just didn't paint a pretty picture for him. That's what i meant.

    The following quote i have always told my kids is ( and i'm not saying brown is guilty or innocent)

    "When you lead a thug life, it usually ends in a short life"

  16. Sensai- we can agree on most things.

    However what must be taken into consideration here is, we are judged by are actions and the company we keep. So when you have a criminal history and are caught on tape doing a strong arm robbery. How can a person not come to a conclusion of ones character and state of mine, at the time of the incident. Plus one's postings and pictures on facebook does tell you some what of one's character.

    Now this does not mean he could have turned his life around and become a contributing citizen later on in life. Of course he could have. But when these situations happen, you are judged by the way you are currently living life.

    This situation should be another example to all, you never know when your life may end. And how do you want to be seen once your life is over ?

    More people should think about, how the youth of today are being raised. Regardless of those whom seem to getting away with misdoings in life, the majority of us will have to answer for our actions.

    You can take the road traveled, being a law abiding and productive citizen. Or you can walk the line of being a criminal, always taking, causing pain to others and loved ones, and never contributing anything good to society. Then their will always be those who try to walk that fine line down the middle. Not knowing which side they will end up on. Until usually it's to late.

    It boils down to you and only you have control of your life and how you live it. In this day and age anything is possible. People should stop making excuses about being held down for one reason or another. We all know it's bull shit, but to many people are afraid to stand up and say it. This is america, not some third world country. You get out of it, what you put in.

  17. This link ( http://www.livestream.com/activistworldnewsnow ) that i posted earlier is a live feed up the protest.

    They have a live posting feed you can join. What is funny, if you join you will notice how many times they scream about freedom of speech and constitutional rights. You will notice immediately, that 99% of the post's being made are of a one sided narrative, against all law enforcement in general. And as soon as someone post's a middle ground or police sided opinion, they are immediately banned. Typical of those who scream and cry about equality and justice, but when those who dont agree with their narrative, they are chastised and cast out of the conversation.

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  18. so now that the autopsy stuff is coming in? whats everyones thoughts?

    Well we have you to hear the results from the state autopsy, and the DOJ autopsy has yet to take place.

    LM9- In no way was i trying to argue, only stating opinion and some facts. If you know your history, the gentleman who just did the autopsy has been proven in the past to be basiclly a quack. ( simpson case, martin case, and a few others)

    And these witnesses stated he was guned down while running away with his hands up. Well even the quack said the shots came from the front, and only one shot could have came from the back into the arm.

    The main point being is, these issues need to stop being tried in the media and the streets. We have a justice system for a reason, leave it to the courts, where all (hopefully) the evidence will come out.

    LM9- also we do know the story from the store owner, from his lawyer statements and most importantly from the video. And sadly because of the threats and destruction of his store, this man is in hiding in fear for his life. And we know he did nothing wrong.

  19. Here is one of links where you could have watched all of this live. http://www.livestream.com/activistworldnewsnow

    Now i always love how all the misinformation is put out there, just to construe a one sided view.

    I watched all this live, protest for awhile were completely peaceful. Until a few individuals decided to start looting again, and firing off pot shot's at the police and reporters.

    Now the only thing the family's paid autopsy really showed was, these so called witnesses's where lying. Shot's where fired from the front, not in the back while he was so called running away. Another thing people should remember is that the man hired to do this autopsy, was also hired by the family in the Treyvon Martin case, and was show to be a little bit of a quack.

    So now after continued protest and violence, breaking curfews, disruption to the business's, homeowners and community in general. Instead of putting a stop to these protest's and letting this be handled in a court of law (where it should be). They are going to drop the curfew and allow all this to continue on.

    The only thing this continued action is causing is anger and hatred across the country. Some people will not be happy till the officer is lynched. We should not allow all of the continued outrage, more lawbreaking, until a group of individuals get their way. Let this play out in a legal way, not street justice.

    You can rest assure, with the involvement of the pres, Eric Holder (DOJ), and the pressure from the protest's, if their is any wrong doing by the police, they will convict this officer.

  20. What i find disturbing is the continued so called protest. The only thing this is doing, is advocating more so called peaceful protest around the country, where it is the business owners who will suffer.

    It is getting frustrating once again to hear what a great kid the victim was. When just shortly before the incident his true character was shown, robbing the store and his assault on the store owner. I know , i know before you start saying the assault was miner, it was still assault, showing what type of person he truly was, and what mind set he was most likely in when the police officer approached him. After the store incident, one almost finds it hard to believe mr, brown did not show his same character to the officer.

    Now justice will be carried out one way or another in the courts ( where they should be carried out and not the streets), the fear is because of all these protest and the same thing in the Trayvon Martin case, That this officer maybe hung out to dry, as a form public appeasement.

    Now to have these protest's is one thing, ( and is every citizens right) but when they become violent, destructive and a public nuisance, they should be shut down. The bad thing about these sort of protest's, is the longer you allow them to carry on, they will spread like a virus, and nothing good will come from this, only more destruction and violence.

  21. While I still think there's more to the story than has been revealed yet, there's a few things I still find odd.

    1) he was face down on the street meaning he could have had his back towards the officer.

    2) the police chief says the officer didn't know about the robbery when he engaged with Brown

    3) His body was removed in an SUV after hours instead of an ambulance.

    There's just some strange handling of the case, can't wait till forensic evidence come out and more details about the officers injury.

    What the police have stated is, yes the officer did not know of the robbery. He stopped the victim, due to him being in the middle of the road stopping (impeding traffic) the flow of traffic. And it became a combative situation. Now some are saying he was shot in the street, while others are saying he was shot in the back of a police car while trying to go for the officers gun.

    So it's easy to see how the stories start to get twisted. What sad is how this is being tried out in the street, instead of a courtroom where it belongs. The truth will eventually come out, but these demonstrations (protest's) are doing nothing to help or speed up the process.

  22. What that cop did AFTER he got out of the police car was pure murder( REMEMBER THESE OFFICERS ARE SUPPOSE TO BE TRAINED AND SKILL AT THIER KRAFT). Even the chief said that the cop knew nothing about him being a suspect in the shoplifting case. So in all this kid died because he was walking in the middle of the road. Even the chief says the same thing. And i belive is called shoplifting not robbery, there is a difference. ALSO WHAT IF THIS WAS YOUR KID. We as parents can't be with our kids 24/7 but we try to teach them right from wrong. Why did he follow brown after the he shot him the first time? Why did the policeman get out the car and shoots him in the back. Why after Brown got down on his knees with his arms up, still get shot several more times. why haven't they released any video from dash cam, All the cops have to say is " Oh he was reach for the gun" and we should take his word for it.

    Wow Corrie, you have a serious case of selective hearing, i'm not going to get into this anymore, but hey, way to twist everything.

  23. There are just a few things i would like to bring to everyone's attention, then i will end this discussion.

    While trying to play the devil's advocate, these are some of the issues that trouble me.

    1- We now know what the victim had done earlier in the day, which helps in understanding his mentality and character.

    2- These witness statements dont seem to jive together.

    3-Also In this day in age, where it seems everyone tries to video the police catching them in wrong doings. It is a little off putting when there is no video of this, with all these so called witness's. Unless there is video and it shows the officer may be in the wright, might explain why we aren't seeing any video of the incident.

    4- We now know the officer had to be treated for his injuries, which would lead one to speculate there was a combative confrontation.

    So while my sympathy goes out to the victim's family, we should also remember what the other side is going through.

    and while i agree with some of your statements here there is a issue i have with #3..

    In this day and age yes most people are trying to record the police and there is a need and reason for it. It has been proven multiple times and shown how the manner of a police officer changes once they see that they are on video. This is a fact! While it may see a little off to you it could just be that no one was there to film what had happened. Plain and simple. I believe that ALL citizens should record the police. For their safety and for proof, because time and time has shown again that police do lie and lie alot. its very hard for them to lie when you have audio and video.

    glad that there can be a discussion between 2 people who have somewhat different views on things and nobody gets called out their name or gets banned or heated! This is what adult conversation and debate is all about.

    Now off to buy some ammo



    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Agreed. I was just put off a little, when the witness's seem to come out of the wood's (so to speak) yet no one video'd it.

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