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Posts posted by mcnaught82

  1. Do you know how to solder??

    I got a old lcd remote that has been dropped a few times, and something else broke off on the board, but the screen is still good.

    There are 12 pins holding the lcd on that would need to be unsoldered and resoldered.

    You pay shipping and its yours.

    I also bought one on ebay for like 100$ and I waited and waited damn near 2 months til I got my remote, by then Id already spent $150 for a new remote from bestbuy, and 2 weeks later the ebay one came. Seller had thousands of these remotes and many others, but never responded til emails. I forget the powersellers name, but id remember if i seen it.. lol

    Thanks bro, but sometimes the buttons dont want to work, and the battery will lose connection and it will start singing to me like it does when you put a battery in it. So I think its time to get a new one.

  2. Thanks guys. She will be happy to hear this. I have met the dude and he seems like a bitch. She is trying to find her own place, because she wont be able to afford the rent on her own at the place she is in right now. There is some low income places like 2 miles from my house that are pretty fuckin nice that were built like 4 years ago. I am going to try to get her into those place.

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