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Posts posted by jdcranke07

  1. Awesome, thanks everyone. The Crutchfield tech gave me a typical sales answer of you can't have too much until you are just covering every inch of the car which didn't help at all as you can imagine. I think I'm going to do this in parts, so that it's easier on the wallet. Trunk and doors first, then floor.

    On a side note, I did watch a video with this guy installing for a shop in Florida only put flat sheets of Secondskin liner (non self-adhering pad like stuff) and not a bit of the self-adhesive stuff only in the basins of the floor. Is that going to sound completely different than if I layer the whole floor or will it only be a dB or two difference? I'm assuming with my exhaust though it would probably make a significant change if I took out the seats and layered the whole floor and not just the basins. Just to clarify, I know there will be a difference. My question is to figure out if it is a large enough difference to justify the amount of money spent on either Secondskin or Dynamat materials.

    Again thank you for taking your time to help a noob out. I just want to know all I can before I sink money into this.


  2. Hey guys,

    I've got a 3,000 watt system that rattles my '07 Monte Carlo a bit and I have an SLP Loudmouth exhaust system with a turn down halfway down the car. I'm looking to start sound dampening my car, but I'm not sure how much I need. I don't feel like ripping everything out and covering every inch. I just want to cancel out some outside ambient noise and reduce trunk rattle. I measure (generously) the dimensions of the floor, doors, and trunk. It came out to roughly 98 sqft. This is a rough estimate, so if someone has the proper dimensions please hit me up. Anyways, I'm just wondering if I absolutely have to cover everything or if there are only like key spots I need to cover and in turn do I really need 98 sqft of dampener or would it be much less than that? I wonder since Dynamat, for example, has a door kit that is 12 sqft. This is less than I measured my doors at, but would that be enough and I'm just too much of a noob to know?

    All help will be appreciated.



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