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Posts posted by NotoriouslyLoud

  1. Sorry to hear about your pops David, my mother has had the same surgury a couple of years back and is now 100%. He will pull though just fine.

    I used to live out in Washington when I was little and miss it a great deal. Sooooo much better then Iowa, the weather is wonderful out there and you get bet have the ocean and the mountains right there. Take a bunch of pics bro cant wait to see them.

  2. mmmm how i love a good scotch. Dewars is always good, along with cutty shark, any of the jonnie walker lines, these are easy to find and are well under $50. For a little more money aberlour is great, its hard to find but it normally goes for $64 http://www.aberlour.co.uk/welcome.asp but its one of my favorites. You have to see if you like a single malt or a blended malt. There are lots of types of scotch, you will just have to try and see what you like.

  3. I suppose I could say it's a possibility.

    possibility.... fail! You need to be there :D I am going to talk to Bill and see if we can get more of the wolfpack out here to this as well, seeing as most of you guys wont be able to make it to the party this month :(

    As for the date that we would do this I am thinking first part of July. Our team has 3 big builds getting ready to happen and we will need time on those to get done.

  4. I know some of the guys on the team will for sure be coming down for the NW show, but i am not sure if my van will be done by then... we are just now getting ready to start tearing it apart for the rebuild. But if its not done i will for sure still be coming down just for the good times :D

  5. Being that the midwest region this year wont be having lots of shows, we were looking to see how many of you would be down for a midwest get together. My team has two mics, and lots of space to get together. Would anybody be down for meeting up in Des Moines for a little test and tune? Beers, some BBQ and some good times anybody down?

  6. Lol this is great, I hear this alot at shows. People that will come up to you before the show and tell ya they got a 160, you go over and look at the setup cause you are thinking (Damn a 160 this dude is loud) till you walk up, kid pops his trunk and there sits 2 L5s on all of 800 watts. Kind of feel bad for the kid when he runs it though the lanes in qualifying and pegs a 134 :D :D

    These types of guys are all over. They used to piss me off, but now its pure entertainment lol.

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