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Posts posted by Jman08

  1. My dad was turnin left into a gas station and some guy flyin on a crotch rocket hit him doin at least 70 or 80 mph witnesses say he was haulin ass swirvin in and out of traffic the bike hit my pops back end so hard it knocked the back end out and made the truck do a 360 i was on my way home from work when i seen this wreck i got there like a minute after it happend. Im tellin you guys i was sick to my stomack when i see this dude screamin on the ground with a frame of a bike next to him we dont know how hes doin the rushed him to the nearest hospital. This shit makes me realize not to be stupid on these damn bikes. heres a pic i got more on my phone but its dark.


    you can see a peice of the bike in the trucks wheel.

  2. ok but did you check the vids i posted??

    i kno they arnt the sam style but they are rly talented....

    not to say that you arnt and all but if you take the time to listen to them .. you'll see what im saying

    Yes i watched all of the vids. And No what im sayin is metal in general is not that hard to play ask any real experienced guitar player man

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