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Posts posted by RollinSoLow

  1. just thought this would be fun to do and see what other people have done in the passed

    Either someone seen you do it or you didnt let anyone know about it

    hopefully not everyone here is perfect and will admits it

    and let everyone have a good laugh

    I can think of quiet a few things that I have done over the years

    1 let my ex wife pack my parahute

    2 told my son to get the hell out of the way and let me install the screen on the roof opps 4 screws right though the top OUCH

    3 got beat up by a cordless drill dont ask lol

    4 hit on a friend of my wife didnt know until on sunday at a bbq she sure wasnt happy and neither was my wife lmao

    5 left the stove on to cook some fries and then left the house to go pick up a friend yeah i forgot to turn it off opps blamed my cousin cause he was like 6 at the time and he could reach the controllers

    oh yeah didnt close my door backing out of the garage not good

    any ways i hope we all can have a few laughs

    keep it going <_<

  2. sittin at a stoplight mindin my own business...then i feel my truck move forward, but my foot is on the brake. :angry:

    i tell u what i cant keep this thing nice, people keep f#$kin it up.....oh well back to the body shop it goes. Yes he has insurance but wants to pay cash, you better believe i have pics of his truck, plate and even took a 12mpxl pic of his insurance and registration :D Damn i can zoom in and read the fine print with that thing......

    anyway, just thought i would share some morning frustration

    that sucks ass! was the driver on the damn cell phone
  3. w87will, he has 2 hifonics amps.... are the brutus series master/slave? the hole thing is i dont wanna run 2 bass knobs, and make it easiest as possible
    oh this just came to mind i guess you could always check the ac voltage coming out of the speaker outputs and then convert it using ohms law

    at a decent volume level

    but then again maybe not

  4. 100_1160.jpg
    hold that thought im gonna steal that image and send it to a friend he has a few 13w7 that he wants to get rid of he love rc's car he has this one truck that has two damn motors on it
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