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Posts posted by BURRITO

  1. haha ya rivalries are always intense.. but you guys dont have the same team anymore its all cutlers fault
    i was so excited about getting that feg and now i just cringe every time he throws the ball... last night he was giving me horrable memories of last week and then he did it almost the same damn thing! if he has to do a 2 minute drill next week, when he gets in the red zone he should just hand the vikings defense the ball :fool:
  2. ok well this frame isn't really all that bad. it should have a mid bottom bracket, and come with the new bottom bracket bearings. you can compare it to all of theses frames. this is were a majority of riders buy there parts.


    dans competition FTW ive been shopping there for the better part of 15 years... since black and white ad in the mags and before the internet. damn im old! :shok:
  3. i collect mainly hotwheels... i have over 3500 pieces from 1969 to present day. i have complete sets in packaging from 1998 to 2006. do any of you know what a treasure hunt is? this hobby i just cant seem to grow out of is truelly sickening... as i sit here in my office and look around there is probaly 1000's of dollars in diecast in here alone! i have a 50k$ insurance pollicy on my collection... sickning i tell you :bad:

  4. So I am 20 years old. I weigh 145 pounds and I'm 6'3. Basically im skinny as fuck and i have tried EVERYTHING under the sun to gain weight. last summer i had a personal trainer that i worked out with who also put me on a protein diet and i gained maybe 2 lbs over the whole summer. I also worked at mcdonalds and i ate so much fast food it would make a normal person sick. At the beginning of this semester, my buddy(who also has this same problem i have) and i tried a beer diet. we split a 30 pack of keystone every night for a month(keep in mind i weigh 145 and he weighs about 130) and i did not gain a single pound.
    how is your energy level? do you sweat allot? do you experience iretable mood swings often?
  5. are prolly on the field warming up right now and already losing, sucks to say it but i have no faith in my titans this season, they had thier dream season last year, and have been reminded this season on how quickly things change in the wonderful world of the NFL. Can not blame this all on the coaching as the players just have not been there, i have seen many times in thier games this season where they have just given up and ciesed to play football. Im still gonna root for them and they are still my team but they need to start playin football or its gonna be a LONG season for them.
    last season was a fluke for them... i'm "conVinced" :D
  6. your going to need a full lift. the boggers have a mean side bit to them. i have 35x12.50x18 nitto mud grabbers and the side bitters on them hit my steering arm when i turn hard right. any other 35 would not hit like these do. tire selection is a big part in what size you can run. big side bitters mean your going to be more likely to rub something.
    grabbers? or grapplers?
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