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Posts posted by seductivesounds

  1. I have a pair of KX1200.1's and 4 S10L7-D4's currently collecting dust from a previous install.

    So I want to use them in my winter car.

    I'm thinking of using 3 S10L7's running off one KX1200.

    What do you guys think? Is it a wise idea or what?

    Please keep in mind that I have to retain the use of the hatch area in this car (stroller/hockey gear, not at the same time)

    Reason for going 3?

    Something to do, and I have a 3 10" ported box kicking around at home already, about the right size.

    So no extra money to be spent.

  2. is it just me or does he have some pink in his hair??


    Are you talking about the spot on the left side of his head?

    If you are, there is a spot in his head much like a bruise.

    He had some sort of hemotoma on his head from being pushed out.

    He was an Occiput Posterior delivery, also called "Sunny Side Up" or "Face Up"

    (When the back of the head is facing the back of the mother (posterior) the baby's position is called Occiput Posterior. This occurs in 15-30% of labors.)

    Thanks everyone.

    Its about time that I get to hold my first born, my gf's been hogging him for the last 9 months

    Sleep is over rated, its amazing what your body will learn to do with very little sleep.

    I think I've had about 12-15hrs sleep total since last Tuesday. Not to mention not a wink during the 50hr labour.

  3. Started ordering some of my parts and materials for the up coming install

    Stinger wire, carbon fiber, carbon/kevlar weave, fiber glass, should be here soon

    damn carbon fiber is expensive

    I need to sell the equipment i have so i can order the pair of 3000d's i want

  4. Yes, I'm in Canada.

    Acutally I'm only about 20minutes east of scarborough too lol

    I must say they are some of the hottest twins i know.

    Thanks everyone for the congrats on my new subs.

    I've been looking at them for a while, gotta be close to a year now.

  5. Ya, she's definately a keeper that for sure.

    She'll even come out and get her hands a little dirty when I am working on the car.

    Either under the hood (car is aftermarket turbo'd) or in the trunk (with what little space you could really call a trunk)

    She know car audio is my passion and supports me all the way,

    well until I say I need a new something or other (she hears "I want")

    Whats even cooler, she got me the subs and we're expecting our first child on Halloween.

    I'm looking at running a pair of SAZ-3000D's to these puppies.

    So it'll be "Honey, I need 4 batteries, a H.O. Alt, and some carbonfiber" very very soon.

    2 Shirts (I'm wearing one, cuz I can)

    6 Smaller Stickers

    2 Larger Stickers

  6. Not really, my b-day was june 26th. So on with the story.

    Well my birthday came and I was pumped to be getting all my goodies.

    Unfortunately girlfriend was sad as she had ordered something for me, only for it not to arrive in time.

    Well Monday July 7th, package 1 of 2 arrived.

    A sweet 15" Fi.BTL loaded. :yahoo:

    I took some pics. All the pics taken either mine or otherwise really dont give these subs credit. MASSIVE!!








    Box number two arrived today.

    I had to pick it up from the post office.

    Poor girl behind the desk couldnt lift it, so she dragged it lol.

    Customs must have opened it as it had straps on it, the plastic ones.

    Ooo Ooo Ooo, there was a surprise inside the box too!!!

    Swag from Fi.






    ^^FOUR (4) of these stickers on ONE box and NONE on the other!!^^

    My dad told me the mail man had a very hard time getting the first box out of the truck on Monday.

    Thanks to Brenda for the BTL's, what an amazing present

    Thanks Scott for helping Brenda out with the subs and for the sweet shirts and stickers.

    Thanks to everyone Fi for making a fantastic sub, some of the meanest looking subs I have ever laid my hands on.

    Watch for my build log! I cant wait to make these subs wang!

  7. I'm really leaning towards Fi at the moment, cuz the prices are fantastic.

    I'm interested to know how the BL's are able to get louder than the Q's? (21mm xmax vs 27mm xmax)

    And would they take the 1400 watts that I have to feed them?

    Also how stable are the Kicker KX1200.1's at 1.5ohm when strapped?

    It's .5 ohm lower than what I'm running now does that make a huge difference?

  8. Thanks for the suggestions.

    It really does help.

    I've actually beening looking in RE and Fi for quite a while

    They seem to offer exactly what I need.

    And the Fi's are definately fitting the budget at the moment.

    What would be the better of the 4 subs I'm looking SX12, MX12, Fi BL12, or the Fi Q12?

    I'm thinking a box no larger than 6 cubes net.

  9. I'm currently in the market for some new subs.

    As of right now I am running 4 Kicker L7 10's

    Power is from a pair of Kicker KX1200.1's strapped making around 2.8k

    Box is ~4.5ft^3 sealed.

    Ideally what I would like to do is drop down to a pair of 12's or an awsome single 15"

    I'm looking for a great SQL driver, I want to be able to pound out the bass, but still be able to enjoy the sublties of the music.

    Current drivers I am looking at RE MX12, RE SX12, Fi BL12, Fi Q12, DD3512, DD9515 etc.

    Vehicle - 2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R SpecV

    I am doing consistant 143-144dB @ 40-45Hz

    I'd like to get closer to the 150dB (or louder) if I can.

    I do still want to be able to listen to music, I dont want a raw spl machine

    This is my daily driver. I would like my trunk to be something nice to look at,

    as well as work well at getting me what I want.

    (I'm not worried about groceries or anything like that, but the seats need to stay in)

    What do you guys suggest I do?


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