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Posts posted by had001

  1. tuning has to do with net volume, vent area, effective port length. So depending on height and width, your port length can be calculated. Now since you said your ports are 3" in diameter and 16.5 in. High (tall), and you are wanting to figure out the length of the port. Are you using slot ports or circle/aero ports? I am confused. But also, your port does add displacement which needs to be subtracted from your volume as well. And just make your 45's a little bit smaller, they dont necessarily have to be a certain length, width and height, it just seems like 1.61 cu. ft. is a little too much, but it is your box so if you want to go for it.

    Maybe a diagram would help a little bit to give an idea of measurements with a side and top view design or something. Paint program is what i use to just get the design.

    wow reall good info thanks man :) Im going with sloted ports. but ya you all r right the 45s are going to be smaller.

    oh here is wat i thought it would be this is the net measuerments, going to be using 3/4 mdf;


  2. No, 4.5 cu ft NET is fine for 2 12's. You could go bigger if you wanted though its up to you. net volume means excluding port and sub displacement. So pick a volume, and you then when you go to design the box you'll have to alter the dimensions to account for all the extra displacements from the subs and port.

    ohh i didn't you had to exclude the port volume. thought the port vloume was included with the box volume. ok i got another question that you brought up, you said i could raise the volume of the box, what would that do would it make it louder?

  3. Need serious help with my ports. The box im going to make has a Net size of 16.5"x40"x16, it comes to 6.11cuft Net. After i 45s all the corners n fiberglass it, the box is going to be 4.5cuft Net, . Im puting 2 RFT212D2 in it. i wanted the box to be tuned to 40hz, but i don't know how long both ports has to b. All i know is that the diameter of each ports are 3" n is 16.5"high. I freakin looked every where on the net n so far none of the site help. So can any one give me advice. Thanks :)

  4. hey does ur port have to be in the middle but i know from experience that a port to either the left or right side of the box is louder and what hertz do u want 35 40 or in between that i have two tens tuned to 36 and there ok but if u just want real loud tune up high like 38 and above but for a daily driving around 34 to 36 would be ok for u

    hey tanks 4 takin a look. ya my port has to be in the middle, the trunk wall of my car where the tires pop up would cover the ports if they where on the ends of the box. I wanted it to b tuned to 40hz. tanks again 4 takin a look man, once i find out the port i can finally start on this project. :D

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