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Posts posted by XtremeSPL-SCAMMER

  1. there is none in Sac, Roseville, and now I found out they do have them all over the place, but spaced out very far... Closest one to Sac is about 90 miles or so in Concord

    The food is okay, I go for the drinks, and the cool looking design

    Its always crowded as hell, only go there once a year for the twins birthdays

    i know there is one in roseville.. i have been there 5 times.. unless they closed it down in the last year..

  2. for a drive like that , i would have to be on a pay plan of atleast 250 per day no matter what i did, and they give me 40 a day in gas, and i would cover the other part of gas, thats alot of miles km per day and wear and tear for a job, i would think of the repair costs vs the paychecks to see if it would be honestly worth it or not

    tell them that you want 50 cents a mile to drive to and from work or to help you relocate.. or help you get closer to work..

  3. i wont b there tommorro, but gl getting everything done....it was 26 bucks to get in and park tho.. =\

    18.00 ea for adults.. If my fiance ever gets here, i am going to attempt to get the wire ran.. but.. if not i will be there to watch.. and not compete.. as it looks like right now.. i will only be getting 2 12's for the laser... or find a good 2 15's encloser... and i am pretty sure this 4 15 boc will fit in the focus.. so.. i will 4 of them in there... i should be able to kill that car :)

  4. ok so i just got home from autorama, it was pretty sweet, saw lots of cool cars, got lots of ideas for my build and saw lots of ppl, thx bill and mellisa for the demo, it sounded pretty damn good, nice to meet you too, and all the team bassick ppl i met :) plus a few others i wasnt to sure who you are, but you said hi to me anyway, lol.... thx, hope to get to kno all of u better

    i will see you tomorrow... i will be there to watch... my fiance still isnt home from nevada.. so.. as of right now i am not competeing.. i been working on my laser buil.. an got my ass kicked.. so.. i got that box in my car.. but no room to slip that box how i need it.. so they only way i am going to get a 4 15 box in that car is to build it myself.. :I but i think i am going to try to put that box in the focus.. anyway... i will be seeing everyone tomorrow :)

  5. i just got back from best buy for a VGA cord for my new monitor.

    hehehe... yeah.. i hear ya.. i just got that box in the car... but i had to take it out cause i cant flip it around.. I need to take out my center console in the laser.. so... I plan to have it up and ready for the next show.. my woofers are on the way :)

  6. i hear ya... my focus aint done.. My fiance is up in fernley still.. she tried to come home and they had chain reuirements on 80.. so she cant get back to cali til tomorrow.. I have nothein in it.. I have to put wire in it.. i need a deck, i need a wireing harness to go from my stock connectors to after market.. and then i need a aftermarket stero addapter to put a deck in it.. so.. i have a bunch to work tomorrow.. :I so i will have to get shit done tomorrow to get it done for sunday..

  7. Thank you ray for the speaker boxes.. Appreciate you allowing me to drive the 4 hours one way to get them :) i got back home at almost 9pm :) but thank you.. i will take pics of it for you when it is in my car tomorrow..

    Cant wait to get my Audio Innovations stickers. But I am sure we will do business together again.. :)

  8. wit McCain bein a vietnam vet and a 5 year POW, i think he will do GREAT in office, he will support our troops and still be able to take care of the war wit a lil more caution. i'm in the delayed entry program i go active duty 10 days after i graduate so i kinda want a good leader for he will be my boss for the next 4 years....

    well good luck with what happens after high school.. do what your heart guides you to do...

  9. I VOTED!!!!!!!



    I think obama is gonna win... if you think about... everyone says the time is now for a woman president.. and it really isnt... dealing with iraq and afganistan.. that culture doesnt believe in woman holding for power than men.. so she wont be respected and taken lightly when it come to negoiations.. so.. I mean thats how the culture is in the middle east.. so.. in that area, i think it is not a good time for a woman president...

    2nd.. if obama wins, he is the first african american president in office... so..

    3rd.. if a republican wins, i would love to see what happens,a nd what is all different...

  10. no theyre not man.......McCain is bitch slapping both those other two guys. Better turn your tv on.

    from what i was watchin last nite.. romney had alabama, illinois, utah, minnisota.. unless that all changed....

    i voted, and then went to sacramento yesterday... hung out at frys.. then came home.. watched the news, then a couple movies.. and i been on smd since... almost time to call work and see whats up for today.. :)

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