So i have currently a setup of 2x indy bassface s12's (1300rms2600eaxh)
On a bassface 1500rms 3kw Amp (since i had only 1 element before and havent upgraded the amp) With 35mm2 wires (very short run cause battery in trunk)
Stock electrical (bmw e46 320d)
150Amp generator from stock!!!!
Right now i can push the 1500rms with ease the dip in voltage is from 14.2 to 14.0 rarely 13.8-13.9 if i really strain it but the amp cant strain it that much and will just go protect... I wanna get a new amp preferably some 3krms amp that can handle these subs with ease.. I wanna make it happen on stock electrical and generator since the big 3 is ASS having battery rear mounted
Dont come with the talk that i have to upgrade alt n ect. obviously i wont be running continious 3krms since its a daily... im fine with for some blasting and then letting it rest.
Ive seen people get away on 3krms and even bigger on stock electrical using extra batterys and im ready to spend on a proper battery that will help me get away with it BUT what spec battery should it be? I live in Cold climate also if that matters!!!