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Looking for subs for a PA System

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Hey guys, I finally got my Peavey Pv215's in. So far il ike them a lot, the party i was supposed to DJ this weekend got cancelled so i havent got to fully hear them. Right now they are setup in my bedroom and they are loud! With the Peavey's having 2 15's in them the things have pretty good low end, but im always looking for more.

Basically im looking for a goof PA sub that wont completely break my bank. Doesnt matter if its active or passive, either way will work. In my Home theater im running 2 18's so i was thinking of maybe 2 more 18's for my PA system, just want something to make the party more enjoyable and the party goers to be able to feel the bass.

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Hey guys, I finally got my Peavey Pv215's in. So far il ike them a lot, the party i was supposed to DJ this weekend got cancelled so i havent got to fully hear them. Right now they are setup in my bedroom and they are loud! With the Peavey's having 2 15's in them the things have pretty good low end, but im always looking for more.

Basically im looking for a goof PA sub that wont completely break my bank. Doesnt matter if its active or passive, either way will work. In my Home theater im running 2 18's so i was thinking of maybe 2 more 18's for my PA system, just want something to make the party more enjoyable and the party goers to be able to feel the bass.

heyy man, you have many choices, try go to your local shop and look for some equipment, tell them you want to hear them.,

most cheap/low end subs doesnt play that well.. try stick to brands like cerwin vega, jbl, db, kam. i have 2 cerwin vega 154 the old series, in a ported L design, and its sick. those subs have been measured up to 170DBS! im just saying:D every pa setup is good. its all about the box.. try buy a sub and build a enclosure for it :D

Cerwin Vega <3 . When Bass Counts!

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Thanks for the reply, i dont have any places close to check out subs so i was trying to go over reviews and everything and take a chance. I thought about building my own box and getting a driver for it, but does it matter if i do ported or sealed? Sealed would be ideal because i could go with a smaller box and it would be lighter for moving it around and traveling, etc.

I was looking at the peavey sub line but wasnt sure if they were any good. I have a CHT 18.2 sub hooked up to a Dayton 1000 sub amp but the guy i bought the mixer from said it wouldnt work, so im not really sure how to hook up subs and amp when i get them because both xlr plugs on my mixer are used for the PV215'S.

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Alright so i just went ahead and tried to hook my 18.2 up to my Mixdeck, the amp it uses has rca plus so i just plugged it into the bag of my Mixdeck into the "Booth" input with RCA's and it worked perfectly. I was able to control it through the volume slider and everything so i dont know what the guy was talking about.

My next question is, i wouldnt mind using these subs, it would save me from buying new ones, but i bought these from a company who advertises it as a "Home Theater" sub. Would i encounter any problems playing music on it for 4 or 5 hours? I assume its just like car audio and as long as im not clipping the amp and have it sounding like shit i should be okay right?

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Haha thanks anyways though. Your other post though already has me wanting new speakers and im really eyeing the ones you picked up. May have to get me a set of those.

The EV's? They're f***ing amazing. I actually have them hooked up to my TV right now, and I swear, on some songs, I've heard parts of songs I have NEVER heard before. I can't wait to purchase a set of the subwoofers, and start working on another pair. :yahoo:

I loved the PV's, but they're not great for mobile DJ use.


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Yeah I love that feeling of hearing new parts in old songs haha. I hooked up my CHT 18.2 (home theater sub) to my mixer with the peeves and the thing rattles the house. The problem is though the 18.2 is about 4.5 ft tall and weighs somewhere around 100 pounds I'll have to get a picture of it cause it's not very practical for a mobile dj setup but it may have to do for now. I think I may get the EV's after a few months maybe after Christmas sometime especially with the way you talk about them. I think if I remember I found them for 600 dollars per speaker is that about right?

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