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Posts posted by David

  1. we are some sad sad piraters lmao

    yea, f-it, if the damn programs didnt cost thousands of dollars it we wouldnt need to do this.

    Most of my proggies are cracked  Xp pro is thr only one I actually paid for, but thats only after getting caught with a hacked copy.

    Download Dreamweaver 8  and I have a key gen, Pm me if you want a Key

    Do I download the 30 day free trial? Seems to be the only one I can get.

    yep download the 30 day trial  and I will give you a key

  2. here is what i would do....well one of the ways you can get out of this sticky situation.  You can put a ring terminal on each end (see my pics of the gold ring terminals....those ones).....run a nut and bolt thru each one and bolt them together....tape the shit out of them so they dont corrode (they still will but not as fast) and then your on your way.

    yea that would be the easiest way to do it.

    you could also get a piece of 1" pvc secure it underneath the vehicle and then solder the ends together tape it up slide it into the pipe and silicone that bitch air tight.

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