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Posts posted by David

  1. Well Im not sure how he got into it but I know for a fact he went to a school( well sorta)

    Back in 91' or 92'  A local shop here in town (paradyme,  www.paradayme.com small plug :) ) worked with Soundstream real close and had classes every weds nite at one of there shops, where a Soundstream tech came in and taught a bunch of us the basics and more.  thats where I first heard of Steve Meade him and his Toyota Celica.

    so there is some history that I know. I'll let him tell the rest


  2. All right fuggers, How many of you are gamers??

    What do ya game on?  PC, PS2, XBOX, XBOX 360???

    What games are ya playin?  Do ya play on line??

    Im a Multi platform gamer  I mainly game on my PC now, but I have an Xbox and ps2

    soon I will be snatchin one of those 360's up so I can lay the smack down to Steve in madden, was fun  beatin him up on fight night 2 @ his crib.

    Currently I play Battlefield 2 and battlefield 2 special forces on my pc. soon I will be getting UT2K4 so I can get murdered by Steve

    I havent bought anything for the box or ps2 in awhile. been having to much fun on the pc.

    so lets hear whos gaming what maybe we can hook up and lay the smack down to one  another.

  3. the red wire is the stinger.

    there is a noticable differrence in size the second pic is a lil blurry but it shows the differrence.

    thats pretty cheap rusty, Its nice to know that some shop owners understand the consumer.

    what wire of the two is easier to work with? the Jl wire is Sexy but it is damn expensive.


    blue and silver Are Pg wire red is stinger


  4. yep I have used it. Its decent wire.

    It seems smaller than the Stinger 1/0  that I bought later on, it is just as flexible as the stinger wire.

    looking at the 2 side by side the pg wire is noticably smaller, the outside jacket is defintly thinner,I have no idea about the actuall wire I can take a pic if you like.


  5. OK so I need to be edumacated on Porting


    13.8^3 common chamber  for 2 15's before displacement

    deminsions are 40 x 40 x15

    what are the rules of porting?

    how big is to big?   what is too small?

    I have learned that for a burp box Port area is key.

    example= a Friend says 300^2 would work well for my design if it was a Burp only box.

    or 100 to 150^2 for music  and I want to port it for music for now because I will be driving it daily for a while.

    so  Edumacate please  lets hear some of your theories 


  6. What browser are you Using? sometimes differrent browsers see differrent things.

    your not making it any more confusing, I understand what your saying I just cant duplicate it here on my machine, I am tring to make it easier for everyone to use the site, dats ma job so keep the info comming.

    also to do a screenshot  use the prnt scrn key the go into paint open a new file and then paste it, save it as a jpg and post it for me  so I can goto the forum company and show them whats happening  maybee they know of a fix or workaround.



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