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Posts posted by David

  1. all my tatts have deep meaning, i have a star, but its been intragrated into other pieces to look original and non fad like, i will be getting a hand grenade, but its very unique and i havent seen anything like it anywhere, i wont show it as i dont want anyone to steal it.

    the audiomech piece is so original and beyond what most people ever see, i get asked about it sooo much, the meaning behind it is pretty obvious... my tribute to DAT, it has a long ways to go before its finished, i need to go see aaron very soon.

    the flaming skulls on my right forearm my kids picked out and aaron did his thing, its still unfinished as well

    the Chaos and mayhem tatts represent a few things, I am mayhem, a lost friend is chaos... they also represent what my life was when i was doing hardcore drugs..

    my nautical star that is intregrated into my flaming skulls and chaos tatt represents my father, a Sailor in the us navy.

    my ladybug, represents another lost friend, that wanted me to have that tatt, its also a good luck charm.

    my Diablo, pretty much repped the company logo and me, its been my nickname for a quite a long time.

    the Flames on my upper right arm represent what i do for a living, im a fire sprinkler fitter, the demon within the flames is my tortured soul.

    i have plans on alot more, all of them have alot of meaning, I am awaiting a drawing from aaron right now of the word FATE with scroll work all around it, for my upper chest and part of my throat, it represents alot, how my girl and i are now together after 15 yrs of knowing we were soulmates and not being able to do anything about it until now (long story)

    the handgrenade is for some family members that have or are still serving the us military.

    A dark fairy, will be on my left side of my ribs, it will represent the love hate relationship my mother and i share.

    i have tons of work to be done, thats a good idea on how i see tatts and what the mean to me, i basically give aaron my thoughts and ideas and let him decide how to piece it all together seeing how i have so many dif ideas.

    hope that helps give you some ideas, stick with the meaningful tatts bra you can never go wrong that way imo

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