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Posts posted by Godsmack

  1. If your an immigrant you have certain paperwork you are told to hold on to for life. If you dont got it you go for processing.

    I say its about time. Fuck the illegals. Come here the wrong way, get two choices. GO HOME, do 6 years in our military with a minimum of 2 tours over seas. We can even let you pick your job and branch. The way I see it is if you want to be IN this country you can be A PART of this country.

    In SE Arizona its the fuckin illegals that are always involved in the narcotics, the drive by's and the fights. Maybe the white boys and blacks are getting better at keeping under the radar, OR they truly are the root of the problem............


  2. To you guys asking, in Europe club beat bars are as common as dance clubs (pop), and skanks giving it up easy after a few shots. Like a bar other people get you and make your drinks, just on a SHIT TON bigger level. Hence them not being able to track down the person who did this very easily.

    Hope you and the other guys get better.

    This sounds like a chick who just found out she got herpes.


  3. you was very helpful man. the thing with me not being married, well ill be getting married in may 28 2011. so would it be best that i waite to get into the air force when im married or just go ahead and get into it? thanks

    Live together as long as possible before getting married. You need to know she can hack LIVING with you for more than a weekend or two.

    Its better money wise to be married before you join, but I saw about 7 guys get divorced as they were leaving basic. Some chicks cannot handle the seperation.

    Just remember, do right by you then everyone else.Sounds selfish, but people only look after number 1.


  4. Sad to say it, but everything I'm reading in this thread is true. I was expecting to read another this vs that branch, but good on you guys for giving information.

    One thing I want you to do, is pay attention to everybody on here giving you info from all branches. Don't make any rash decisions and look up everything the recruiter tells you. They WILL blow smoke up your ass. Even if they don't, they love to euphemize things to make it sound like a dream come true.

    Visit one of each recruiter and see what they have to say. And also pay attention to their uniforms :lol:

    If you are insistent on medical, I say go Navy. I am a Marine myself, but if you want the best of all the medical in the branches, Navy Corpsmen are the shit.

    Again I couldnt agree more. While downrange the Navy Corpsmen were my favorite docs. They are VERY well trained, very well mannered, have some SMOKIN hott women, and are the best in their field. Honestly I would rather see a 3 year Navy Corpsmen patch me up than a 8 year Army medic.


  5. so i talked to a recruter today for the air force. he was telling me that since im a junior that the ROTC program is of no use to me, which i figured that since u apply as a sophmore. so im looking into my options. my goal is going into grad school and finishing my college, only thing is my grad school is allot of money and i dont want to pull all those damn loans for say 150k by the time im done. if i did sign up for active duty, what would this mean. does this mean i get shipped out right away? or do i go do my training then come back and continue school until they need me, then if or when they do i go off for those amount of months. then come back and continue my schooling. only thing im really confused about. my main thing is i want my school payed for and i want a monthly salery of atleast 2k each month while in school

    Okay I am going to lay out in order a time line then address your $$$ question

    1) Choose Branch (for this instance Army)

    2) See recrtuiter again (at this point you should have talked to all branches (Jar Heads, Fly Boys, Squids, Puddle Pirates, and Army [sub note do any of the other branches have ball busting names for us???] And I say all the names with love)

    3) Go to MEPS Military Entrance Processing Station

    4) Look at jobs and find one you want and a contract you can live with.

    5) Sign said contract

    6) Waiting time. Use this time to do physical training. I recommend lots of studying ranks, people in charge in the US, and of course SHIT TONS of push ups, sit ups and running. Some branches have other things, like Marines have Pullups, the Air Force have crunches, and the Navy........well I donno.

    7) GO TO BASIC At this point the pay, insurence, health care, and people bitching at you kicks in. Bonus (if any) will be discussed later.

    8) GO TO SCHOOL for your job. You will do physical training, school, and studying.

    9) If active duty you report to your school. All info following is for Active Duty. If you choose Reserves or National Guard you will go home till your first drill.

    10) You can now upon inprocessing go to the college office and learn about the colleges offered on base and locally. On line will be strongly reccomended, and I also encourage this.

    As for deployments, they come here and there and are branch of service, job, and duty station specific. For example if you go to Korea you have little to no chance of deployment. You will prolly do alot of field work there, but its not too shitty.

    As for money here is a link to the 2010 Military pay charts. You will be looking at the E- section for enlisted. If you have enough college you might be able to come in as an E-4.

    Military Base Pay

    You will be looking at the first colum as you wont have 2 years.

    As for the 2k a month um bro lemme explain something here, since your not married you will get a meal card and thats 3 meals a day at the Dining FACility free. If you somehow get off base housing (which as was already pointed out CAN happen but again is branch and location specific) you will get EXTRA money for housing, and for food. No meal card so if you go to the DFAC you would have to pay. Keep in mind having a civilian girlfriend does not give you any added ability to live off base.

    Hope we are being helpful bro!!!!


  6. let me start off by clearing what i said up a little bit. lol shes not a military groupie or anything, I've wanted to join for a long time but didnt know how she felt about it. after talking with her about it she actually surprised me and was down for it. she said shes there for me on whatever i choose to do in life and she has her bags packed to go where we need to go if thats the case. im doing this for me, no for anyone else. im into the medical field big time, its like my life. i want to do physical theropy or medical school. those are the two things that interest me the most of all.

    my main thing is i want to join and continue in my schooling. i dont know how that works? are you considered active duty? do you get deployed while you are in school? if so do they usually keep it down to a minimum so you can finish school in a decent rate? ive hurd they pay like 2k a month while you are in school and housing allowance as well, is this true?

    Active duty depends on what you signed up as. As for school, they pay the school for you. Housing depends on rank, and/or married or not. If your not married expect the barracks. School dont mean dick. If its your turn to go, your going so online is your best bet for school.

    Like I said they will pay for most if not all school. It all really depends on the contract you sign.


  7. 2 years of school?? Try for the Academy. Let them pay for school and become an Officer. Nothing wrong with enlisting and if you do enlist ask to be a 1C6 (trust me, the job is worth it), but once you are in...work to finish your degree and then try for OTS and become an officer. You aren't far off from that and its well worth it..again, trust me on this (haha take it for whats it worth since you dont know me). It helps a hell of a lot more on the outside civi world.

    edit: AF all the way. No disrespect to the others by any means. I have nothing but love for those who serve, just the Chair Force is the better business like way to go!

    He is right on the Officer gig. Better pay while your in, 2nd best retirement (warrent officer IS still the best) and civi's REALLY love brass.

    As for the Chair Force.............it really is run like its civilian business. Almost all the AF guys I know call eachother by first name, even while in uniform.

  8. Okay guys lets get some shit straight for this guy.

    1) You WILL NOT be able to have some one come check your shit before you sign. Its not allowed.

    2) You will sign on a computer and get a paper copy of that. The days of sign on the dotted line are gone. Its now sign on the plstic thingy if you agree with this.

    3) Dont join the AF cause your girl is an 'AF type girl' USUALLY (not always thought) that means she is a tag/wing chaser (soldier/pilot groupie). I dont wanna see you regret the military beacuse of some trim.

    4) The only 'good' money is in officer or after you have served as a DA Civilian. As a Joe the base pay for an E-4 with 6 years isnt even 3 grand a month and you lose a grip on taxes.

    5) If you want to do the overseas deployed thing longer than 6 mths at a time the Marines or Army are where to go.

    6) That being said almost (if not all) the stories before I posted are from Marines Infantry. I dont know how much you personally ineracted with the AF but they play a completly different game. Its not even the same staduim so dont let that deter you.

    7) The Army DOES offer enlistment bonus' and they usually are pretty good. Start researching jobs and let us know what interests you before you go find your job and sign. We can help you know what its REALLY like.

    Basically all I am tryin to do is lay alot of stuff out for ya bro. I dont wanna see ur girl burn you beacuse she sounds like a military groupie, I dont wanna see you sell yourself short, and I dont wanna see you hate your choice. Just let us know where YOUR heart and mind leads you. Ignore her and her wishes. I say this from PERSONAL experience. If she TRULY love you she will accept whatever you decide. (And that from MY wife who is in the Army herself).

    Good luck bro!!!!


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