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Posts posted by etaks_crew

  1. I was taking to a buddy of mine and he want to make an L-style ported enclosure. He asked if he made the front wall and the port wall out of plexi how thick he should go. I havnt seen plexi that big in and enclosure before. For the piece that he wants its gonna be about 40 inchs and anywhere from 15 to 20 inchs high. Any suggestions, good idea bad idea, Thickness?

  2. Sorry David forgot about this. At first we where all good and I didt have the package but we found out it had been delivered but I didnt have it. Until today when the mail man knocks on my door and says the lady down the road flagged her down and that she got this package about a month ago. It was my WIRE YEAH WIRE. Anyways thought I'd change it from Nuetral to Positive since It looks great.

    P.S. Its kinda funny because you can totaly tell they opened it and were like WFT.

  3. I've personaly never really tried messing around with changing ports around. But I've heard in a car it's good to do subs and port back and in SUV's subs up port back. But like I said I've never tested that kinda stuff out so im not sure how it effects the Lvl.

    Edit: batt's Dieing on my keyboard agian!!!!!

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