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Posts posted by etaks_crew

  1. You must run rd because its the first decent thing ive ever heard said about them and I was posting to give him something to look into. my mistake that I had the v1 and v2 mixed up.


    Thats enough for me.

    All day and you couldn't pay me to run that POS V2. That's the main thing that killed RD was Steve Miller and the bunch of lies about staying with Zenon when he didn't and saying he would make it right with people but totally ripped a lot of people off. He is no longer in the pic and RD is under new management. I doubt they will be able to rebuild the company but at least they are making an attempt.

    Also don't take any of this in a negative way. I was just trying to get some good info for the OP.

    my feelings arent hurt. I'm a grown up. I cant see them rebuilding under the same name. best to cut the losses and move on.

    I 100% Agree after the ship crashed it was like blown up, then nuked, then burnt again then blown up three more times lol. You can read a very interesting thread on CACO if it ever goes back up. I find it very funny, Its pretty much everyone who was promised that there amps would be replaced posting stuff like "yeah happy our stuff if getting replaced RD is sooooo good" then 300 pages (IDK the real numbers) "Steve Miller is a thief, he ripped me off stole my money and my amp and had $ex with my mom". He totally screwed almost everyone who he promised he would do right.

  2. You must run rd because its the first decent thing ive ever heard said about them and I was posting to give him something to look into. my mistake that I had the v1 and v2 mixed up.


    Thats enough for me.

    All day and you couldn't pay me to run that POS V2. That's the main thing that killed RD was Steve Miller and the bunch of lies about staying with Zenon when he didn't and saying he would make it right with people but totally ripped a lot of people off. He is no longer in the pic and RD is under new management. I doubt they will be able to rebuild the company but at least they are making an attempt.

    Also don't take any of this in a negative way. I was just trying to get some good info for the OP.

  3. pretty sure the first ones didnt do nearly close to rated and had fireworks issues. Im not a fan of RD audio at all so I didnt pay too much attention. do a google search and you'll be able to find some stuf.f

    If you don't know why post?

    To the op that amp in the picture is a first version and is a Zenon board amplifier(Korean). Its a really good amplifier same as the original of Sundown 3k, Atomic 3k and DC Audio 3k and close to the Crescendo 3k. The first version didn't have firework issue's, it was the second version that had issues. They changed build houses and some of the amp were faulty. The amp is a power house and will do every bit of 3k all day without issues and with a good electrical will run at .5 ohm all day making over 4k. I have 2 of these amps and have ran them as low as .25 ohms without problems with a VERY strong electrical to back it up. These amps are a great amp but don't retail or go for anywhere near what you see the Sundown 3k's or even the DC 3k's go for.

    Edit: Also this amp looks like it has been through a lot, I wouldn't pay much for an amp in this condition.

  4. First I'll list my equipment, then the problem, then what I've done to check it out.

    Head unit: Alpine 9881 ( I know not the best but it was free )

    Mids/Highs Amp: 2x Alpine MRP-F300 ( Four Channel's )

    Mids/Highs Speakers: ATM 8 6.5 CDT's ( Model Number ??? But A Good Match Power Wise For My Alpine's)

    I have a yellow top style batt under the hood( cant think of the style they are called ) A AGM batt in the rear 109AH or 119AH. ( Dad bought it from a battery whole sale place it was a manufactures second hold voltage like an MF and is huge )

    One run of 4/0 welding cable for the positive and one run for a negative.( Thickest stuff I could find anywhere on the net and around here pretty high strand count pretty flexible and weighs almost a pound per foot of wire )

    Heres my problem. It first started about a week or so ago. When I would turn my CD player volume up to full tilt (around 25-27 out of 35 on this CD player) one four channel amp would cut out then the other would follow and cut out until I backed the volume down to about 22. As my week went on the volume I could listen to my CD player without it cutting out dropped now its to the point where I can't go above 14 on my CD player.

    Heres what I've done I took the CD player out and apart didn't see any black or brown marks no smokey smells. I put it back in checked the CD player connections (RCA's, Power, Ground And Remote) all good. Started taking speakers out, all front ones out now, connections looked fine.

    I've unhooked each amp and and ran just one at a time this problem still continued.

    I've unhooked each amp from the CD player and ran them off my iPod through a head phone jack/RCA connector problem still continued.

    I've unhooked all speakers and just ran one speaker, problem continues.

    I've brought one of the amps inside hooked it up to my 2 amp trickle charger and my iPod everything worked fine.

    Also IDK if this helps but when I ran off my iPod in the jeep and in my house the speakers got louder before the problems kicked back in.

    Also the amp don't shut off they stay lite up and they don't 100% completely quit they try to stay playing every second or so but stops right away. maybe a video would help explain what it sounds like. Bare with me though lost camera charger and will have to make off my phone.

    Please help. Give me ideas I'll check on the for another 30 minutes or so but then the misses will be here and we will be eating then it will be dark so I'll have to wait until tomorrow.

    If anything is worded funny just ask what I meant and I'll tell you and edit my post.

  5. I moved out when I was 19 for 6 months and then wanted to start school so I moved back in with my mom. I didn't start school til I was 20 I'm 21 now and will hopefully will have my associates soon and I also now have a full time job so hopefully Ill be out soon. I miss my own place. Just so much shit going on right now with school full time, work full time and trying to raise a 3 year old hell-yen< SP?

  6. Normally my UPS guys is good. IDK what they were thinking with this one though. I'm more bummed than anything. I guess its not so bad since they said they will cover the cost, but I still have to try and find a set just like these were (VC and what not). I've only had one other fuck up with UPS which was there younger guy that used to have this route. He dropped off two batts both with the top posts punched though. I called the company that sold them to and they said they were trying to develop a new shipping box since UPS fucked so many of them up.

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