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Posts posted by etaks_crew

  1. It might be the box I will try sealing it later tonight when I get home..when it was outside the box it didn't make the noise nearly as loud as it does when it is in the box...sounds like the cone is hitting something or the coil hitting the magnet idk what it could be lol I've been into car audio for a month now and this happens if it's bottoming out what does that sound like?

    It's a loud horrible noise you don't wanna hear. Kind of like smacking metal against metal depending on how hard its bottoming out will determine how loud it is.

  2. I would put to much power on them while free airing them but the noise you heard while you were free airing them was it the same noise you had before? You box might be just leaking air and not coming apart and perhaps your bottoming them out in the box as well. Do any of you friends have a box you could try out?

    I'd feel around the box while the subs are kind of bumping a little bit but before that noise starts. try and see if you can feel air leaking out.

  3. Well if your voltage isn't dropping and your amps set right... IDK I've heard some subs when there new the resin heats up faster and when you smell that smell to turn it down, and I guess over time its supposed to go away but lets hear some other opinions.

  4. my amp said 200 Watt x1 @4ohms bridged.

    whatever that means.

    it also said Do NOT use 2 Ohm speaker load in bridged mode.

    that is probably why it was cutting out.

    I understand that picture to an extent.

    I understand you do the positive to the positive on coil one. and the negative to negative on coil two.

    but what about the right side of the picture where it goes from negative coil to positive? how do I hook that up?

    Well since you used a positive from on coil and a negative from the other coil you should have an open positive on one side and negative on the other just run a piece of speaker wire to them connecting the two.

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