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Posts posted by finkster

  1. I cant even begin to understand how children like you choose to be so disrespectful to your elders. When I was growing up, if one of my many brothers or sisters said something cross to my father, they would get a licken right across the face with a corn stock. During the great depression, all was well for our family, we had everything we needed. Of course, it was no paddy walk, we had our daily chores. Up at 4 in the morning, in the bed at 11. When you unload bales of hay and disperse them amongst the cattle, the yarn that is left over can become quite hazardous to the animals if eatin, so we would have to go and pick them up, now this might now seem like nothin, but if you have ever unloaded hay you know that you do a lot of em, so for every bail of hay that we unloaded, we had to pick up the yarn. We usually saved the yarn pickin up for after we unload all the hay, it just made more sense that way. Time consumtion was of no shortage, but we didnt mind we had all day. Plus just being able to help dad with the farm was reward enough for me, but maggie and sue had other plans, you would often find them wonderin around playin games, id have to go over there and whip them with a pipe to make em work again. Milkin cows was something i enjoyed, not because it was fun, but because it was something i was good at. I wasnt good at a lot of things, but i was good at milkin cows so i decided that was one of my favorite activities. When i was young i had often dreamed of becoming a professional milker, but they got machines for that now so now i just sit. and chew.

  2. LMAO there is no way in hell he is natty. Are you aware of the amount of foods he would need to consume to become remotely close to where he is now?

    He cycled many a times. Not hating, he still had to work like crazy to achieve his physiques and i look up to him somewhat, but to say hes natty is bullshit.

    Here is him next to Flex Wheeler, who was DEFINITELY a user in the past.


    There is no way genetics can just produce this kind of mass. Shit, flex even had a rare condition where growing muscle became excessively easy and he still had to use juice to get to where he was.

    Here is flex now, off the juice.


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