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Posts posted by finkster

  1. I can appreciate your longing for better sound but honestly, just run it passive esp if this is your "cheaper" setup.

    You're asking what all you'll need and whether active is better when it takes a lot more than just plugging the right cables in and turning the knobs to set the cut off.

    If you already have rears in try turning it up with the new speakers in and see what you think.

    If you have a shop near you that has access to a mic that will be your best bet. Just make sure you take your time. What 8's are you using for midbass?

  2. depends on what you want to do. you could do this with a 4 channel, the left 6.5"s get one channel right gets another. same thing for the 8"s. obviously if you want more power you get more amps to split up the 6.5"s.

    otherwise you just need a crossover. you dont need a mic like finkster said. the crossover needs a bandpass channel for the mids and a lowpass for the midbass. you can just set the highpass on the amp for a bandpass effect on the midbass.

    yes, it is much better. you could go with the crossover or get a processor. depends on how much you want to spend and what kind of results you want.

    No you dont NEED one but why spend all the extra money on the benefits of running active and not have it set up prime?

    plus hed need even more amp room for the tweeters.

  3. i would like to run my mids and highs active . what would it take to run 3 6.5 comps sets and 2 8" midbass active ? is active better ?

    unless you have access to a mic and a LOT of time on your hands, I would say stick to a CORRECTLY set up passive front stage.

    But to answer you would need twice the number of channels and some sort of processor.

    Try setting up like this first and see if you're happy.


  4. Yea brothers and sister I did fail to lead a connection huh?

    I was going to use stories about race but backed out because this forum is touchy with it.

    Although, I thought EOE had to do with being discriminated against, period....The other half of my rant that I originally left out was how people of other races are being let in even if they are less capable than anyone else. I have seen this numerous times, my neighbor being one of them who failed hard out of another companies fire rescue academy. Why are people who are less capable being let in just because they have to meet a race quota?

    I think the people who pass all the written, oral, and physical tests should be let in, no matter what race.

    This isnt the first story I've heard from the counties around here but it kinda pisses me why they would want people without experience...They are more than capable of repassing the tests doing it "their way."

  5. I went in to my gym yesterday and talked to one of the trainers there. He said how he just got done with an interview in Frederick County Fire Rescue....

    I asked him what they asked him...First thing they asked him...."Have you ever worked or been a volunteer at a fire dept?"

    He said no....they said GOOD....because they want to train you "their way" and that they werent taking people with experience....

    WHAT THE FUCK....So I just wasted 2 years of my service and training and schooling to be denied because I wasn't trained "their" way?....

    What a load of shit. Funny how you have to meet a certain quota of races while any certain individual (white or black or whatever) can outperform them. IMO you should be selected based on your ability to perform the task...


  6. wrong...

    APs put out rated power.. and the new ones are 16v stable now...

    sorry its not the precious over priced sundown amp...

    Show me some results where they put out rated. I havent seen a thread yet...Oh wait, I saw one but Boon showed up and called their bullshit numbers.

    ...And just because you found an amp thats cheaper than Sundown doesn't mean it's overpriced. What you're willing to pay for something is your own business.

  7. It wont light the gas on fire but it can ignite the fumes...Glad your kids are alright and everything Steve


    Liquid doesnt burn, gas burns. No not liquid gas, gas gas....as in...vapors...

    so you dont light the "gasoline" on fire, you light the fumes, period.

    Everything on earth that burns is a gas. When you burn...say...wood, the wood itself isnt burning, but the heat from the fire decomposes the wood into fuel (gases) and it burns.

    Quick lesson :D

  8. Should've just edited them into one longer video. But those are ok tricks, nothing really tricky. Me and some buddies used to do stuff like that messing around, some a little more difficult, but that was a few years ago and doubt I could do them anymore. It's all about practice and learning to control the ball, once you got that down you can do some cool stuff.

    Well yea, controlling the que ball is key lol no doubt. to me the first and last shot are the toughest. In the first theres no natural angle after the shot toward the corner pocket. The last shot is easy to make but he can make the ball spin from farther away. If you could see his stroke in person its like a snake catching a mouse. Of course similar variations and routes are possible but like i said ive never seen anyone shoot like him...

    Yea these are only bar boxes in the vids but he goes into masters and destroys people. Point and case he shot in 9 ball league that night and played a very good 9 and beat him 75-1.

    Thats 7 and a half racks in a row. Not trying to hug his nuts but this dude is the truth.

  9. Whats up. Well as some of you know I play pool. Last Friday we happened to have 2 of the best players in the area playing at the bar I shoot at. One of them is basically the best around. Anyways heres some shots they were fucking around with. Half of them are missed but if you ever played pool you can still appreciate the crazy english these guys can get. The one guy, Joe, has the fastes and purest stroke I have ever seen.

    anyways enjoy. The other country redneck guy, RJ talks a lot but hes funny as shit.

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